My digital camera finally arrived! My last camera was a 20 year old Minolta Freedom III. I paid ~$170 for it way back. My new camera is probably the best toy Ive had since my laptop: 4.0 megapixels, 10x optical zoom, ergonomic, etc. $400 with a few accessories. This will certainly help in posting shit on this blog in the future (along with the free image webhosting at
11 January 2005
Olympus Camedia C-770
My digital camera finally arrived! My last camera was a 20 year old Minolta Freedom III. I paid ~$170 for it way back. My new camera is probably the best toy Ive had since my laptop: 4.0 megapixels, 10x optical zoom, ergonomic, etc. $400 with a few accessories. This will certainly help in posting shit on this blog in the future (along with the free image webhosting at