The I Ching (also known as the Chinese Book of Changes) is a daoist guide to divination and magic. Rising from a mysterious past, it is rumored that the system described in the I Ching predates writing, and was recorded later in it's history. Although there have been numerous translations and interpretations of this ancient text, the truth is that the I Ching is merely a guide to the metaphysical, not a rule book dictating exactly how "supernatural" powers can be harvested.
To understand how the Book of Changes works, one must first understand the balanced relationship between Yin and Yang. Yin embodies the smooth, quiet, and gentle aspects of life, which although on the surface seem to be weaker than the Yang, are persevering through time. Yin is often symbolized by the pervasive power of water. Although the rock (symbolizing the bold strength of Yang) may stand in it's path, it evades the confrontation by simply flowing around the obstacle. Furthermore, in time, the water weathers the stone, thereby overcoming it's strength.
The polar opposite to Yin is the Yang, an energy which is strong, fierce, and bold. Yang is the beacon of light that pierces the sea of darkness in Yin, guiding the path of the ocean vessel through the night. Yang is often symbolized by stone, that which casts off the chaotic elements in the universe, choosing to stand firm in it's organized form.
Together, the Yin and the Yang are the fundamental energies that bring existence and being to the universe from the void. Although forever in opposition, their powers are equal and balanced. The flowing of their energies through the universe creates harmony and peace; where one is more abundant, there lies disruption and discord. The Yin and the Yang are the most basic element of the I Ching, with Yin represented by a broken or dashed line, and Yang shown by a straight line.
However, it is a bit more complex than that. For as with everything in life and the cosmos, the only constant is that things perpetually change. The time frame in which things change are of concern here, for what may take millions of years to transmute will not be of any consequence during a single human lifetime; it will appear to be a constant. In the Book of Changes, these are the normal Yin and Yang lines. However, for those few instances in which something in question changes more rapidly, say in the span of a few days or years, the contrast between forms is more apparent. In this scenario, the Yin and Yang are represented by lines that are changing (as shown by a squiggle at the end of the line). In essence, what is being witnessed here is the Yin changing into the Yang, or vice versa. Exactly how to incorporate this will be discussed later. So there are normal Yin and Yang lines, and changing Yin and Yang lines.
The next step in the I Ching method of divination comes when 3 Yin or Yang lines are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Trigram. With each line having the binary possibility of either Yin or Yang, the 3 stacked lines in a Trigram give us 8 possible results. These are meant to represent the elemental forces of nature (Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Mist). Although each of these elemental forces conjure up definitive thoughts and emotions ( Earth=stone, Water=H2O, etc.), they are actually abstract, relying more on the interpretation of the mystic than on solid, scientifically testable materials. This is where the true magic of the human mind manifests itself, in the images and patterns that arise from the depths of human intuition. This and only this can account for the perpetually unique situations and new scenarios that are created in the timestream. Thus the saying, "No matter where you go, there you are!"
The true key to the magic unleashed in the Book of Changes comes at the third step though. Here 2 trigrams are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Hexagram. Consisting of 2 trigrams (6 total lines of either Yin or Yang), the hexagram is a symbol which is meant to represent the true nature of the dilemma or object in question. Each hexagram can be understood as a combination of its 2 trigrams. Thus, the I Ching hexagram known as The Ancient River is simply the Water trigram over the Earth trigram (Water/Earth). This imagery instills thoughts in the mystic, which can then be applied to the question at hand. Again, using exponential mathematics, the 8 different trigrams which are possible on top and 8 on bottom give us 64 possible combinations, each one with it's individual abstract meaning and associated images.
The final step in this art is to determine which lines are normal and which are changing. Again, a changing line is in the immediate process of becoming it's opposite (Yin into Yang or vice versa). Although changing lines have no immediate impact on the initial reading in the consultation, changing lines do indicate that the situation is in a state of flux, and will soon take a new form. An example of this would be The Ancient River, previously mentioned. From top to bottom, this hexagram consists of a straight line, broken line, straight line (making the Water trigram), and 3 successive straight lines (forming the Earth trigram). Now, imagine the 2nd line from the top is changing (from a broken or Yin line into a straight or Yang line). This would change the top trigram from Water to Earth (now being 3 straight lines), leaving us with the hexagram for Earth/Earth (known as The Great Wide Open). This indicates that the immediate situation is symbolized by The Ancient River, but it will soon be symbolized by The Great Wide Open.
Furthermore, more than one line in the hexagram can be changing. In the same example given above, let us imagine the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines (again, from the top) are changing. The new situation evolving in this case would be symbolized by Earth/Thunder (Repeating Thunder) and the associated images and ideas that are evoked. The extreme example here would be the case in which all of the lines are changing, resulting in the polar opposite hexagram taking place of the old (The Ancient River becomes Fire/Heaven or Shooting Stars). This is why the I Ching is known as the Book of Changes.
The methods used to arrive at the final hexagram vary considerably. Traditionally, Chinese mystics would use yarrow sticks, but toothpicks can be substituted. The method employed is to pile up the sticks, and repeatedly divide them into piles. Then, the sticks in one of the piles are counted, with the number thereof determining whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is a changing line. A fashionable method employed in the West (Europe and America) is to flip 3 coins for each line. The results dictate whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is changing.
A much easier and less time consuming method requires the use of an octagonal (8-sided) dice available in many novelty or hobby shops. Each number is assigned to one of the 8 elemental forces or trigrams (for example: 1=Heaven, 2=Earth, 3=Wind, 4=Thunder, 5=Water, 6=Fire, 7=Mountain, and 8=Mist). Then, the 8 sided die is rolled twice (once for the top trigram, once for the bottom). To determine which of the lines are changing, simply roll the die once for each line, with odd numbers indicating changing and even numbers being normal. Or else, numbers 1-4 could indicate normal, while 5-8 imply changing (either way, it is a 50/50 chance). This quickly gives the resulting hexagram, and its interpretation can go from there.
The rest is up to you and the dao. Never fall prey to the con that the I Ching is an ancient mystical system which has been altered so much that it can never be used appropriately in the modern day. After all, it is the Book of Changes! Although it can never truly be understood by any mortal (and thus limited) mind, it does awaken the intuitive potential from it's long slumber, and thus may seem strange or difficult at first. But with time and practice, anyone can come to use the Book of Changes in their daily lives to solve everyday problems. Let the dao be with you!
anized form.
Together, the Yin and the Yang are the fundamental energies that bring existence and being to the universe from the void. Although forever in opposition, their powers are equal and balanced. The flowing of their energies through the universe creates harmony and peace; where one is more abundant, there lies disruption and discord. The Yin and the Yang are the most basic element of the I Ching, with Yin represented by a broken or dashed line, and Yang shown by a straight line.
However, it is a bit more complex than that. For as with everything in life and the cosmos, the only constant is that things perpetually change. The time frame in which things change are of concern here, for what may take millions of years to transmute will not be of any consequence during a single human lifetime; it will appear to be a constant. In the Book of Changes, these are the normal Yin and Yang lines. However, for those few instances in which something in question changes more rapidly, say in the span of a few days or years, the contrast between forms is more apparent. In this scenario, the Yin and Yang are represented by lines that are changing (as shown by a squiggle at the end of the line). In essence, what is being witnessed here is the Yin changing into the Yang, or vice versa. Exactly how to incorporate this will be discussed later. So there are normal Yin and Yang lines, and changing Yin and Yang lines.
The next step in the I Ching method of divination comes when 3 Yin or Yang lines are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Trigram. With each line having the binary possibility of either Yin or Yang, the 3 stacked lines in a Trigram give us 8 possible results. These are meant to represent the elemental forces of nature (Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Mist). Although each of these elemental forces conjure up definitive thoughts and emotions (Earth=stone, Water=H2O, etc.), they are actually abstract, relying more on the interpretation of the mystic than on solid, scientifically testable materials. This is where the true magic of the human mind manifests itself, in the images and patterns that arise from the depths of human intuition. This and only this can account for the perpetually unique situations and new scenarios that are created in the timestream. Thus the saying, "No matter where you go, there you are!"
The true key to the magic unleashed in the Book of Changes comes at the third step though. Here 2 trigrams are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Hexagram. Consisting of 2 trigrams (6 total lines of either Yin or Yang), the hexagram is a symbol which is meant to represent the true nature of the dilemma or object in question. Each hexagram can be understood as a combination of its 2 trigrams. Thus, the I Ching hexagram known as The Ancient River is simply the Water trigram over the Earth trigram (Water/Earth). This imagery instills thoughts in the mystic, which can then be applied to the question at hand. Again, using exponential mathematics, the 8 different trigrams which are possible on top and 8 on bottom give us 64 possible combinations, each one with it's individual abstract meaning and associated images.
The final step in this art is to determine which lines are normal and which are changing. Again, a changing line is in the immediate process of becoming it's opposite (Yin into Yang or vice versa). Although changing lines have no immediate impact on the initial reading in the consultation, changing lines do indicate that the situation is in a state of flux, and will soon take a new form. An example of this would be The Ancient River, previously mentioned. From top to bottom, this hexagram consists of a straight line, broken line, straight line (making the Water trigram), and 3 successive straight lines (forming the Earth trigram). Now, imagine the 2nd line from the top is changing (from a broken or Yin line into a straight or Yang line). This would change the top trigram from Water to Earth (now being 3 straight lines), leaving us with the hexagram for Earth/Earth (known as The Great Wide Open). This indicates that the immediate situation is symbolized by The Ancient River, but it will soon be symbolized by The Great Wide Open.
Furthermore, more than one line in the hexagram can be changing. In the same example given above, let us imagine the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines (again, from the top) are changing. The new situation evolving in this case would be symbolized by Earth/Thunder (Repeating Thunder) and the associated images and ideas that are evoked. The extreme example here would be the case in which all of the lines are changing, resulting in the polar opposite hexagram taking place of the old (The Ancient River becomes Fire/Heaven or Shooting Stars). This is why the I Ching is known as the Book of Changes.
The methods used to arrive at the final hexagram vary considerably. Traditionally, Chinese mystics would use yarrow sticks, but toothpicks can be substituted. The method employed is to pile up the sticks, and repeatedly divide them into piles. Then, the sticks in one of the piles are counted, with the number thereof determining whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is a changing line. A fashionable method employed in the West (Europe and America) is to flip 3 coins for each line. The results dictate whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is changing.
A much easier and less time consuming method requires the use of an octagonal (8-sided) dice available in many novelty or hobby shops. Each number is assigned to one of the 8 elemental forces or trigrams (for example: 1=Heaven, 2=Earth, 3=Wind, 4=Thunder, 5=Water, 6=Fire, 7=Mountain, and 8=Mist). Then, the 8 sided die is rolled twice (once for the top trigram, once for the bottom). To determine which of the lines are changing, simply roll the die once for each line, with odd numbers indicating changing and even numbers being normal. Or else, numbers 1-4 could indicate normal, while 5-8 imply changing (either way, it is a 50/50 chance). This quickly gives the resulting hexagram, and its interpretation can go from there.
The rest is up to you and the dao. Never fall prey to the con that the I Ching is an ancient mystical system which has been altered so much that it can never be used appropriately in the modern day. After all, it is the Book of Changes! Although it can never truly be understood by any mortal (and thus limited) mind, it does awaken the intuitive potential from it's long slumber, and thus may seem strange or difficult at first. But with time and practice, anyone can come to use the Book of Changes in their daily lives to solve everyday problems. Let the dao be with you!