US adopts tough new space policy
Weapons in space. Though a reality since the first USA and Soviet rockets could reach low orbit and the inception of the dreaded ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile), the practicality of arming outer space has eluded our financial capacity. Enter: an excellent opportunity to attempt to phase out the archaic struggle to control at the point of a gun. Naive? Why? We have global treaties to phase out nuclear weapons (the Non-Proliferation Treaty) Granted, this has not stopped India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea from aquiring nuclear arms, nor has it resulted in the USA, UK, Russia, China, or France (note the parallel to the Security Members on the UN with permanent seats and a full VETO power) from getting rid of theirs, which were dual intents of the treaty. We have a Chemical Weapons accord (which King George and the neo-cons (ie. ultra conservatives) unilaterally withdrew from). The world has adopted a ban on biological weapons (despite a storehouse in Atlanta, Georgia with some of the deadliest strains).
Perhaps in reality, these dipolmatic treaties don't realize their original intents, but is it wrong to try? Wouldn't the world be a better place if we at least TRY to curb the war hawks who use nationalism, race, or religion as an excuse to slaughter those who disagree with them?
King George just signed a decree stating among other things that the US governement, "rejects any proposals to ban space weapons". The US has the edge in space technology at the moment, and the military industrial complex is determined to push an American empire by dominate in the realm of space as long as it can. This has one innevitable result: a mulinational arming of orbital vessels.
Anyone who has the slightest grasp of the historical progression of nation states understands that the industrial and technological might of the USA is on the decline. It is a temporary advantage (mainly stemming from profiteering during WWII) that will soon (within 5 generations) wane to the likes of China, India, and possibly states in the Middle East. Thus, by pushing our strength of weapons in space at this point, we do nothing but create a historical precedent by which future world superpowers can unapologetically do the same, leading to... you get it, an arms race in space.