12 November 2005
Pat Robertson at it again
This guy is just way too easy to dislike, and further exposes what neoconservatives are really thinking in a clear, undeniable way. In his most recent lunatic rant, Pat Robertson cursed a Pennsylvania town of Gods Wrath, stating that by voting out the radical school board that was trying to ram "intelligent design" down the schools throat, they were in fact "rejecting god" and could expect a natural disaster to strike the town. I think this is along parallel lines to some ultra conservative and religious right thought and statements about New Orleans getting what it deserved for its "sinful ways", like sodom and gomorrah. What a pile of vomit they spew from their mouths. How can anyone be stupid enough to take this garbage seriously?
24 October 2005
Office Tyrrany
Today, the news brought out further proof that the office (orifice) is a place of tyrrany throughout the world, not only in corporate America. This shithead named Tony Price ordered his employees to go through DNA tests to find out who was chewing gum in the workplace. Word of this ridiculous decision of course found its way to the press, and in response, this business dictator decreed there would be a round of lie detector tests to uncover who leaked it. Proof positive that shit rises to the top. Read about it on the BBC or better yet, contact their corporate customer service at cs-uk@wstore.com and express your outrage directly.
17 October 2005
American style "democracy" in Iraq
16 October 2005
the Hypocrisy of Conservatives
Just another example of how conservatives everywhere are complete fucking liars and hypocrites is being demonstrated by Britains Tory party leadership struggle. While they fanatically attack drug use and exploit youthful experimentations in vicious slanderings of liberal and centrist opponents, they carefully cover up the discretions of their own leaders. One of the new potential Tory leaders, David Cameron is under media scrutiny to either confirm or deny past cocaine use, and while Kate Moss was fed to the wolves for her actions, the conservatives in Britain now try to quietly sweep his own sniffing under the rug. See the BBC.
02 October 2005
Voice of Europe
Bringing a muslim nation with a horrific human rights record, desperate poverty, strong fundamentalist undercurrents, a racist and sexist culture, and undemocratic ways into the EU is tantamount to political suicide. Should Turkeys accession talks "go well" starting on Monday, the world can kiss European unification goodbye, and watch it splinter into a 3rd rate power in the next 2 centuries. How can the EU ministers be so utterly spineless as to even entertain the notion of Turkey joining, a government that to this day still refuses to recognize its own genocide of the Armenians? A government that invaded Cyprus then transplanted so many right wing fanatics to the island that its division has become a tangled mess, then demanded so many concessions in the bogus "peace plan" that the Greek south of the island could not in good conscience vote for it? A government that kills its enemies and tortures dissenters? And most disturbingly, a nation that is strongly muslim. The EU and Turkey are so radically different that this notion of them possibly being able to join in a decades time should not even be entertained. Let them stay in Anatolia, their ancestors stole that fair and square hundreds of years ago.
19 September 2005
Iraq: Tyrrany of the Majority erupts
However, as we have seen since the fall of the Baathist regime in Iraq, the situation has deteriorated so badly that the minorities and women that actually had a degree of protection, possibly one of the best protections in the Arab world, are now subject to the whims of armed gangs and Islamists. Women now are forced to wear the head scarf (hijab) or the full face covering Burqa, have litte freedom of movement, cannot retain jobs (thus losing their livelihoods), and have been subject to rampant sexual assaults.
Christians and other minorities are now subjected to forced conversions to Islam, kidnappings, murder, etc. As a result, an ethnic cleansing is in progress. The security situation is so bad, that instead of greater freedom and democracy, the opposite has happened, with few liberties formerly taken for granted no longer possible, and the democracy so highly spoken of ushering in a strict Shiite power base. Tyrrany of the majority is a pretty scary thing when Sharia (Islamic Law) is supported by most of the electorate.
How could the Republican Guard (and its conservative war-hawks) be so utterly incompetent as to not realize that this was going to happen? Or perhaps, this is yet another lie in their bullshit list of reasons to invade that they knew was false. If so, then this war and all the deaths have been to secure oil all along, or should I say oil profits for Bush's biggest campaign contributors.
17 September 2005
Borrow and Spend: the Conservatives Motto
The result? Well, every program has already been slashed to the bone, and no further cuts are really possible without provoking mass social protest. The conservative assholes will not even consider a rational spending cut, say by withdrawing from the $4 billion a day Iraqi tarpit, or other military cuts (funny, I thought the Cold War was over, wheres our peace dividend?).
The national debt today was a surprising and horrific $7,964,643,188,228.55, and rising over 1.66 billion dollars a day. Check the website, and update it. Its a bit alarming, but it increases at least $200,000 a second. Anyone remember when another notorious conservative, Ronald (McDonald) Reagan pushed the debt over a trillion bucks, then tripled it by the time he was done? ah, fond memories.
As with any debt, we get the luxury of being allowed to pay interest on this current debt, in the meager sum of around $350 BILLION each and every miserable year. One of the largest blocs of spending in the government, well, beside the military. Imagine a household that paid all its bills only by using credit cards. What type of short termed, no sense of reality thinking is this? Bush and his conservatives motto: Borrow and Spend to bankrupt the future of America.
05 September 2005
Bush Refusing Internation Help
Dailykos article
News Blog
03 September 2005
2nd Supreme Court Opening
This answers Pat Robertsons wish for another supreme court death so that the republican dominance in congress and the executive branch can install yet another predetermined conservative to the already unbalanced Supreme Court.
01 September 2005
Freedom of Speech
Despite a huge surge in governmental repression, investigation, and perhaps most disturbing, documentation of free speech in the US, it is still a place where one can speak their mind. Freedom of speech is not meant to protect acceptable things to say, its purpose is to shield all speech, including the vulgar, mean spirited, bigoted, offensive, and all other undesirable forms.
This is not true in most places outside the western world. China and the Islamic world are probably *the* places with the least freedom of speech in the world. Further evidence of this came to light today, when a famous author in Turkey was charged with insulting Turkey's national character by stating the truth about the Turkish treatment of minorities. In particular, the ruthless slaughter of the Armenian population in the 1915 genocide, something the Turkish government adamantly refuses to acknowledge, even today, 90 years later.
This forgotten genocide of a people who had lived in eastern Anatolia for 15 centuries is a sad chapter in history, and the sheer fact that the Turks got away with it led the Nazis to plot their own genocide 30 years later. But I digress. Speech, any form of it, is a freedom we take for granted, but it must be fought for, every day and every opportunity, lest it be lost.
30 August 2005
Televangelists Are Evil
Today was quite the day of proclomations in the Televangelist circuit. Our favorite demonic idiot, Pat Roberts prayed for someone to die on the Supreme Court, so the conservatives in power can ram thru yet another ideologue puppet into this high post (the sneaky chameleon John Roberts looks like he is heading towards an easy confirmation already). There has never been a greater threat to the American way of life than the one this court represents.
Back to the TV preachers. The conservative Democrat from Georgia Zell Miller was angrily bashing everything under the sun, but mainly what he termed activist judges in his rants at the Two Rivers Baptist Church recently as well. Funny, liberal judges are actually the most impartial, its the conservative ideologues that always have a slant, and are the true activist judges. Nothing like preaching hate in what is supposed to be a house of love.
Another speaker at loudly proclaimed that liberalism is dead. Anyone recall Jim Baker and his "moral majority" attacking anyone in society he felt like, all the while having an affair with his secretary Jessica Hahn? In truth, many of these televangelists are nothing but hypocrites.
Back to the TV preachers. The conservative Democrat from Georgia Zell Miller was angrily bashing everything under the sun, but mainly what he termed activist judges in his rants at the Two Rivers Baptist Church recently as well. Funny, liberal judges are actually the most impartial, its the conservative ideologues that always have a slant, and are the true activist judges. Nothing like preaching hate in what is supposed to be a house of love.
Another speaker at loudly proclaimed that liberalism is dead. Anyone recall Jim Baker and his "moral majority" attacking anyone in society he felt like, all the while having an affair with his secretary Jessica Hahn? In truth, many of these televangelists are nothing but hypocrites.
26 August 2005
France selling its highways
This is twist. The normally socially responsible French government is trying to sell of its roads to the highest bidder, who will then jack up the tolls on travelers. Who'd a thunk it?
America, despite all of its faults, has maintained a mostly toll-free highway system since its inception in the 1950's. There is a horrid web of them in the eastern US, but most of the country is free to travel. A few frightening exceptions, suburban bypasses, which seem almost exclusively for the rich to funnel around in and the horrific trend to remove carpool lanes and replace them with "rich only" lanes.
The ones supporting these are those same moneybag motherfuckers that would use these clear expressways, passing by all of us middle and low income families stuck in gridlock in regular traffic. Lets hope the greedy capitalists in this country don't follow suit, and like France, start selling off our highways for short term profit. Read about it on the BBC.
America, despite all of its faults, has maintained a mostly toll-free highway system since its inception in the 1950's. There is a horrid web of them in the eastern US, but most of the country is free to travel. A few frightening exceptions, suburban bypasses, which seem almost exclusively for the rich to funnel around in and the horrific trend to remove carpool lanes and replace them with "rich only" lanes.
The ones supporting these are those same moneybag motherfuckers that would use these clear expressways, passing by all of us middle and low income families stuck in gridlock in regular traffic. Lets hope the greedy capitalists in this country don't follow suit, and like France, start selling off our highways for short term profit. Read about it on the BBC.
24 August 2005
Hitman anyone?
Its good to see the conservatives finally speak what they really think. Pat Robertson, the nutbag host of the 700 propoganda club, former presidential candidate, and hijacker of the Reform party, officially called for the assasination of a democratically elected leader of a foreign country. Specifically, Hugo Chavez, the (not so coincidentally) leftist leader of Venezuela.
The CIA has already tried and failed to orchestrate a "revolution" in the country. And you thought Gunboat Diplomacy was a thing of the past! Why has Bush and most of his conservative cronies been so silent about someone who actually calls them on their bullshit? Hmm, could it be...OIL?? Venezuela is the worlds 5th largest oil producer, a large share of it coming to the US.
Thus, no matter what the Bushmen truly think, they cannot risk being exposed in a covert attempt to oust or kill Chavez, they would risk being cut off from the oil. It really has nothing to do with violating International law, as they proved in the invasion of Iraq and unilaterally breaking such landmark peace treaties like the ABM (Anti Ballistic Missile), Chemical weapons, etc. But have no illusions, they all think identically to Pat Robertson, and would love to see Chavez dead.
21 August 2005
Hunter S. Thompson funeral wishes
I can only hope my funeral rites are observed as such. I do not have the luxury of such a benefactor as the talented Johnny Depp, but I have loyal relatives who may yet succeed in disobeying US law and put me to rest atop a massive funeral pyre next to the lake by by fathers ancestral home. Any funeral should be a party to celebrate the life of the deceased, and an occasion to not only reflect on their accomplishments in life, but to take the lessons they tried to teach in life to heart, so that we may all live more freely and vividly in the future. We will miss your honest rebellious writings Hunter.
16 August 2005
Steal from the Poor
You like the current prices at the pump? Gas prices surged 20 cents in one fucking day in my town. And they were at record levels already. Sure, the big corporations have the well oiled propoganda machine that states that it is merely a result of the world economy, supply and demand, and all that bullshit.
So why is it that the major oil companies are posting record profits? Why are their stocks rising so lavishly? Why did they get a $6 billion tax break under the Energy bill Bush and his conservatives rammed thru congress?
Anyone remember how reasonable prices were under Clinton? And further how they all of sudden spiked just before the 2000 presidential election? And again how they jumped before the unnecessary Iraq war and never again came down? Is it merely a coincidence? Is it also random that some of the biggest Republican campaign donors are these same oil companies that Bush and his cronies have such close ties to?
15 August 2005
technology lessons
It must be 100 CD-R disks I've wasted in the last year. I usually try to be thrifty and buy the bargain bin disks, say a 50 spindle for $5 US. And time after time, my frustration grows by their lack of working properly. Even if Nero says it worked ok, I would get error messages like 'No disk in Drive', 'please insert disk', or worse yet, it would just spin, making me paperclip it out and force reboot. Don't we just assume products we buy will work? And yes, they were name brand, no bullshit products from slave labor. Finally went in and paid top dollar for some good, non discount disks, and voila, I can finally back up my info again. Oh well, at least I have some chromatic light reflectors now.
14 August 2005
Drugs: its ok when you support Republicans, or so they say
Bush's national pasttime token latino was proven positive for steroid use. Even after the undisputed test, he claimed, "I believe him when he said he does not use steroids", further demonstrating how out of touch with reality our current president is. Not too surprising, considering how easily his spinmeisters swept under the rug his avid cocaine habit in his draft dodging youth. If Clinton, or some other centrist were to have done the same thing, they would be skinned alive and hung out for the flies.
I guess it just goes to show, if you support the ultra right wingers in this democracy of ours (a conservative dominated, corporate fueled duopoly in reality), your past doesn't really matter. Addicted drug habits, violence, even treasonous revealing of operatives identities, who cares, you are part of the evil machine now, and it will all be swept under the rug.
11 August 2005
RIP Peter Jennings
06 August 2005
And yet another ageist measure erupts
Colorado recently passed a law that prohibits underage drivers from talking on mobile phones while driving. Though I absolutely despise bad drivers, who are waaaaay to prevalent in the world, and further harbor a bitter distaste for drivers on mobile phones, this measure is yet one more way that the cracks in our democracy appear.
Laws should be uniform and balanced, guaranteeing respective fair punishment for all offenders, no matter age, sex, race, creed, prior violations, or wealth.
The young have always been a target, where be it in laws, enforcement, or through societal discrimination. This is yet one more example of how the young are taking it in the ass at the expense of those with power. If the mobile phone ban is passed, lets be fair and enforce it for people of all ages. Discrimination on any regard is blatantly wrong. Or are we to live by the addige (quoted from Benjamin Franklin) "Force shits on reasons back"?
Story by Yahoo!
Laws should be uniform and balanced, guaranteeing respective fair punishment for all offenders, no matter age, sex, race, creed, prior violations, or wealth.
The young have always been a target, where be it in laws, enforcement, or through societal discrimination. This is yet one more example of how the young are taking it in the ass at the expense of those with power. If the mobile phone ban is passed, lets be fair and enforce it for people of all ages. Discrimination on any regard is blatantly wrong. Or are we to live by the addige (quoted from Benjamin Franklin) "Force shits on reasons back"?
Story by Yahoo!
03 August 2005
The Bush Youth

What does this remind you of?
Its not too difficult to see the parallels between what conservative, right wing groups have done in societies around the globe, with the vicious repression of expression, thought, and most importantly action. But this is probably the best photographic evidence yet that *should* reach even the densest students who ever took a history class.
Place: Germany
Date: 1938
Event: Hitler Youth Rally

Bush Calls up the Boy Scouts to Serve in Iraq
30 July 2005
10th Planet in the Sol System
Astronomers in the US announced the discovery (or rather confirmation of) a 10th planet in our solar system. Its current (and uninspired) name is 2003 UB313, though this will likely change. It is no wonder it took so long to find a planetoid this size, it is 3x the distance of Pluto.
For any of my readers, you might remember my post in Febuary about what exactly would constitute an actual 'planet' vs a planetoid or 'object'.
It seems by todays announcement that the bar has been set on something Pluto sized or larger, as Sedna, Quaoar, and others half Plutos size are not recognized as actual 'planets'.
Theres a good articles on this at theBBC, Yahoo!, and you can see an image of it (and an artists depiction) here .
Lets see if the classification of what exactly makes a planet can now finally be reviewed in light of this discovery. And keep your eyes peeled, there are bound to be more discoveries like this one that will crop up in the next 15 years.
For any of my readers, you might remember my post in Febuary about what exactly would constitute an actual 'planet' vs a planetoid or 'object'.
It seems by todays announcement that the bar has been set on something Pluto sized or larger, as Sedna, Quaoar, and others half Plutos size are not recognized as actual 'planets'.
Theres a good articles on this at theBBC, Yahoo!, and you can see an image of it (and an artists depiction) here .
Lets see if the classification of what exactly makes a planet can now finally be reviewed in light of this discovery. And keep your eyes peeled, there are bound to be more discoveries like this one that will crop up in the next 15 years.
11 July 2005
Internationalization of Standards
Though I've been doing this for years due to the simplicity in writing and visualizing, the US seems to finally be slowly using periods (.) instead of dashes (-) in phone numbers. 1-800-666-6666 will soon be seen by the superior 1.800.666.6666
Its about fucking time. I probably adopted the habit of doing it while in Europe my first time, and it just makes more sense.
Hey, heres an idea...why doesn't the US adopt the International system for dates as well. In most of the world, dates are represented by the day, then month, then year: 10.28.2005. The US is still stuck in this archaic system where we (for some unknown and idiotic reason) put the month first, then day, then year (28/10/2005). And toss the slashes too, use periods for this too.
And while we're at it, maybe it's about time that we in the USA adopt the freakin metric system! who the fuck can calculate how many inches are in 5.64 miles? its easy to figure out how many centimeters are in 5.64 kilometers, its 564,000 (just move the damn decimal place).
In any case, Yahoo! covered this ere.
Its about fucking time. I probably adopted the habit of doing it while in Europe my first time, and it just makes more sense.
Hey, heres an idea...why doesn't the US adopt the International system for dates as well. In most of the world, dates are represented by the day, then month, then year: 10.28.2005. The US is still stuck in this archaic system where we (for some unknown and idiotic reason) put the month first, then day, then year (28/10/2005). And toss the slashes too, use periods for this too.
And while we're at it, maybe it's about time that we in the USA adopt the freakin metric system! who the fuck can calculate how many inches are in 5.64 miles? its easy to figure out how many centimeters are in 5.64 kilometers, its 564,000 (just move the damn decimal place).
In any case, Yahoo! covered this ere.
03 July 2005
A bit of sadistic humor in politics today, as the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea (by Poland) celebrated its 750 year anniversary. Why is this odd you ask? Well, it was founded by Germanic Tuetonic knights, and had a German polulation for 700 years. That is, until the end of WWII, when the Soviet Red army ethnically cleansed 3 million Germans out of the area (then, and always known as Koenigsberg, part of East Prussia).
To the victor go the spoils? Perhaps, but its a bit ironic that the anniversary is being celebrated by those ultra nationals who moved into the area once the Germans were forced to leave. Again, after a 700 year history. Funny how some people can be driven from their ancestral homeland without anyone raising objections, while other peoples which much smaller populations set off a firestorm of world disapproval when they are put thru the same gauntlet.
20 June 2005
America: the Land of the Free or the Censored?
It has been a tradition since our the founding of our nation to be the bastion of freedom in the world. Yet time and time again, it seems that those who drape themselves in the American flag, scream their devotion to our great country, and terrorize anyone who stands in their way seem to bury the real truth.
Case in point, after 60 years, a story from the good ole days of WWII is finally surfacing. About the after effects of the atomic strike on Nagasaki, Japan, our "glorious" general MacArthur and the always trustworthy US government carefully censored, or more accurately buried the articles. Even with the Freedom of Information Act (passed way back in the 1970's!), it has taken this long for the story to come to light.
Sort of makes one wonder, what other stories are still buried in the past, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq...hell, even major domestic news that the government censors in this country absolutely refuse to release. It took Sen. Paul Wellstone months of work to finally get our own government to admit to the chemical weapons spraying of a major part of Minneapolis in WWII to test its effectiveness.
What it all boils down to, is if we simply accept the government propoganda, lies, distortions, and censorship, or stand up and refuse to accept this behavior. Our greatest cultural legacy is in fact, freedom, so why voluntarily turn a blind eye to the freedom of being told the truth by our own government?
14 June 2005
Chinese Book of Changes: the I Ching
This was a paper I wrote to a professor at the university instructing him on what he was teaching. Though I think this is just as religious phooey as killing chickens, take a read if you're interested.

The I Ching (also known as the Chinese Book of Changes) is a daoist guide to divination and magic. Rising from a mysterious past, it is rumored that the system described in the I Ching predates writing, and was recorded later in it's history. Although there have been numerous translations and interpretations of this ancient text, the truth is that the I Ching is merely a guide to the metaphysical, not a rule book dictating exactly how "supernatural" powers can be harvested.
To understand how the Book of Changes works, one must first understand the balanced relationship between Yin and Yang. Yin embodies the smooth, quiet, and gentle aspects of life, which although on the surface seem to be weaker than the Yang, are persevering through time. Yin is often symbolized by the pervasive power of water. Although the rock (symbolizing the bold strength of Yang) may stand in it's path, it evades the confrontation by simply flowing around the obstacle. Furthermore, in time, the water weathers the stone, thereby overcoming it's strength.
The polar opposite to Yin is the Yang, an energy which is strong, fierce, and bold. Yang is the beacon of light that pierces the sea of darkness in Yin, guiding the path of the ocean vessel through the night. Yang is often symbolized by stone, that which casts off the chaotic elements in the universe, choosing to stand firm in it's organized form.
Together, the Yin and the Yang are the fundamental energies that bring existence and being to the universe from the void. Although forever in opposition, their powers are equal and balanced. The flowing of their energies through the universe creates harmony and peace; where one is more abundant, there lies disruption and discord. The Yin and the Yang are the most basic element of the I Ching, with Yin represented by a broken or dashed line, and Yang shown by a straight line.
However, it is a bit more complex than that. For as with everything in life and the cosmos, the only constant is that things perpetually change. The time frame in which things change are of concern here, for what may take millions of years to transmute will not be of any consequence during a single human lifetime; it will appear to be a constant. In the Book of Changes, these are the normal Yin and Yang lines. However, for those few instances in which something in question changes more rapidly, say in the span of a few days or years, the contrast between forms is more apparent. In this scenario, the Yin and Yang are represented by lines that are changing (as shown by a squiggle at the end of the line). In essence, what is being witnessed here is the Yin changing into the Yang, or vice versa. Exactly how to incorporate this will be discussed later. So there are normal Yin and Yang lines, and changing Yin and Yang lines.
The next step in the I Ching method of divination comes when 3 Yin or Yang lines are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Trigram. With each line having the binary possibility of either Yin or Yang, the 3 stacked lines in a Trigram give us 8 possible results. These are meant to represent the elemental forces of nature (Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Mist). Although each of these elemental forces conjure up definitive thoughts and emotions ( Earth=stone, Water=H2O, etc.), they are actually abstract, relying more on the interpretation of the mystic than on solid, scientifically testable materials. This is where the true magic of the human mind manifests itself, in the images and patterns that arise from the depths of human intuition. This and only this can account for the perpetually unique situations and new scenarios that are created in the timestream. Thus the saying, "No matter where you go, there you are!"
The true key to the magic unleashed in the Book of Changes comes at the third step though. Here 2 trigrams are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Hexagram. Consisting of 2 trigrams (6 total lines of either Yin or Yang), the hexagram is a symbol which is meant to represent the true nature of the dilemma or object in question. Each hexagram can be understood as a combination of its 2 trigrams. Thus, the I Ching hexagram known as The Ancient River is simply the Water trigram over the Earth trigram (Water/Earth). This imagery instills thoughts in the mystic, which can then be applied to the question at hand. Again, using exponential mathematics, the 8 different trigrams which are possible on top and 8 on bottom give us 64 possible combinations, each one with it's individual abstract meaning and associated images.
The final step in this art is to determine which lines are normal and which are changing. Again, a changing line is in the immediate process of becoming it's opposite (Yin into Yang or vice versa). Although changing lines have no immediate impact on the initial reading in the consultation, changing lines do indicate that the situation is in a state of flux, and will soon take a new form. An example of this would be The Ancient River, previously mentioned. From top to bottom, this hexagram consists of a straight line, broken line, straight line (making the Water trigram), and 3 successive straight lines (forming the Earth trigram). Now, imagine the 2nd line from the top is changing (from a broken or Yin line into a straight or Yang line). This would change the top trigram from Water to Earth (now being 3 straight lines), leaving us with the hexagram for Earth/Earth (known as The Great Wide Open). This indicates that the immediate situation is symbolized by The Ancient River, but it will soon be symbolized by The Great Wide Open.
Furthermore, more than one line in the hexagram can be changing. In the same example given above, let us imagine the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines (again, from the top) are changing. The new situation evolving in this case would be symbolized by Earth/Thunder (Repeating Thunder) and the associated images and ideas that are evoked. The extreme example here would be the case in which all of the lines are changing, resulting in the polar opposite hexagram taking place of the old (The Ancient River becomes Fire/Heaven or Shooting Stars). This is why the I Ching is known as the Book of Changes.
The methods used to arrive at the final hexagram vary considerably. Traditionally, Chinese mystics would use yarrow sticks, but toothpicks can be substituted. The method employed is to pile up the sticks, and repeatedly divide them into piles. Then, the sticks in one of the piles are counted, with the number thereof determining whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is a changing line. A fashionable method employed in the West (Europe and America) is to flip 3 coins for each line. The results dictate whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is changing.
A much easier and less time consuming method requires the use of an octagonal (8-sided) dice available in many novelty or hobby shops. Each number is assigned to one of the 8 elemental forces or trigrams (for example: 1=Heaven, 2=Earth, 3=Wind, 4=Thunder, 5=Water, 6=Fire, 7=Mountain, and 8=Mist). Then, the 8 sided die is rolled twice (once for the top trigram, once for the bottom). To determine which of the lines are changing, simply roll the die once for each line, with odd numbers indicating changing and even numbers being normal. Or else, numbers 1-4 could indicate normal, while 5-8 imply changing (either way, it is a 50/50 chance). This quickly gives the resulting hexagram, and its interpretation can go from there.
The rest is up to you and the dao. Never fall prey to the con that the I Ching is an ancient mystical system which has been altered so much that it can never be used appropriately in the modern day. After all, it is the Book of Changes! Although it can never truly be understood by any mortal (and thus limited) mind, it does awaken the intuitive potential from it's long slumber, and thus may seem strange or difficult at first. But with time and practice, anyone can come to use the Book of Changes in their daily lives to solve everyday problems. Let the dao be with you!
anized form.
Together, the Yin and the Yang are the fundamental energies that bring existence and being to the universe from the void. Although forever in opposition, their powers are equal and balanced. The flowing of their energies through the universe creates harmony and peace; where one is more abundant, there lies disruption and discord. The Yin and the Yang are the most basic element of the I Ching, with Yin represented by a broken or dashed line, and Yang shown by a straight line.
However, it is a bit more complex than that. For as with everything in life and the cosmos, the only constant is that things perpetually change. The time frame in which things change are of concern here, for what may take millions of years to transmute will not be of any consequence during a single human lifetime; it will appear to be a constant. In the Book of Changes, these are the normal Yin and Yang lines. However, for those few instances in which something in question changes more rapidly, say in the span of a few days or years, the contrast between forms is more apparent. In this scenario, the Yin and Yang are represented by lines that are changing (as shown by a squiggle at the end of the line). In essence, what is being witnessed here is the Yin changing into the Yang, or vice versa. Exactly how to incorporate this will be discussed later. So there are normal Yin and Yang lines, and changing Yin and Yang lines.
The next step in the I Ching method of divination comes when 3 Yin or Yang lines are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Trigram. With each line having the binary possibility of either Yin or Yang, the 3 stacked lines in a Trigram give us 8 possible results. These are meant to represent the elemental forces of nature (Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Mist). Although each of these elemental forces conjure up definitive thoughts and emotions (Earth=stone, Water=H2O, etc.), they are actually abstract, relying more on the interpretation of the mystic than on solid, scientifically testable materials. This is where the true magic of the human mind manifests itself, in the images and patterns that arise from the depths of human intuition. This and only this can account for the perpetually unique situations and new scenarios that are created in the timestream. Thus the saying, "No matter where you go, there you are!"
The true key to the magic unleashed in the Book of Changes comes at the third step though. Here 2 trigrams are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Hexagram. Consisting of 2 trigrams (6 total lines of either Yin or Yang), the hexagram is a symbol which is meant to represent the true nature of the dilemma or object in question. Each hexagram can be understood as a combination of its 2 trigrams. Thus, the I Ching hexagram known as The Ancient River is simply the Water trigram over the Earth trigram (Water/Earth). This imagery instills thoughts in the mystic, which can then be applied to the question at hand. Again, using exponential mathematics, the 8 different trigrams which are possible on top and 8 on bottom give us 64 possible combinations, each one with it's individual abstract meaning and associated images.
The final step in this art is to determine which lines are normal and which are changing. Again, a changing line is in the immediate process of becoming it's opposite (Yin into Yang or vice versa). Although changing lines have no immediate impact on the initial reading in the consultation, changing lines do indicate that the situation is in a state of flux, and will soon take a new form. An example of this would be The Ancient River, previously mentioned. From top to bottom, this hexagram consists of a straight line, broken line, straight line (making the Water trigram), and 3 successive straight lines (forming the Earth trigram). Now, imagine the 2nd line from the top is changing (from a broken or Yin line into a straight or Yang line). This would change the top trigram from Water to Earth (now being 3 straight lines), leaving us with the hexagram for Earth/Earth (known as The Great Wide Open). This indicates that the immediate situation is symbolized by The Ancient River, but it will soon be symbolized by The Great Wide Open.
Furthermore, more than one line in the hexagram can be changing. In the same example given above, let us imagine the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines (again, from the top) are changing. The new situation evolving in this case would be symbolized by Earth/Thunder (Repeating Thunder) and the associated images and ideas that are evoked. The extreme example here would be the case in which all of the lines are changing, resulting in the polar opposite hexagram taking place of the old (The Ancient River becomes Fire/Heaven or Shooting Stars). This is why the I Ching is known as the Book of Changes.
The methods used to arrive at the final hexagram vary considerably. Traditionally, Chinese mystics would use yarrow sticks, but toothpicks can be substituted. The method employed is to pile up the sticks, and repeatedly divide them into piles. Then, the sticks in one of the piles are counted, with the number thereof determining whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is a changing line. A fashionable method employed in the West (Europe and America) is to flip 3 coins for each line. The results dictate whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is changing.
A much easier and less time consuming method requires the use of an octagonal (8-sided) dice available in many novelty or hobby shops. Each number is assigned to one of the 8 elemental forces or trigrams (for example: 1=Heaven, 2=Earth, 3=Wind, 4=Thunder, 5=Water, 6=Fire, 7=Mountain, and 8=Mist). Then, the 8 sided die is rolled twice (once for the top trigram, once for the bottom). To determine which of the lines are changing, simply roll the die once for each line, with odd numbers indicating changing and even numbers being normal. Or else, numbers 1-4 could indicate normal, while 5-8 imply changing (either way, it is a 50/50 chance). This quickly gives the resulting hexagram, and its interpretation can go from there.
The rest is up to you and the dao. Never fall prey to the con that the I Ching is an ancient mystical system which has been altered so much that it can never be used appropriately in the modern day. After all, it is the Book of Changes! Although it can never truly be understood by any mortal (and thus limited) mind, it does awaken the intuitive potential from it's long slumber, and thus may seem strange or difficult at first. But with time and practice, anyone can come to use the Book of Changes in their daily lives to solve everyday problems. Let the dao be with you!
The I Ching (also known as the Chinese Book of Changes) is a daoist guide to divination and magic. Rising from a mysterious past, it is rumored that the system described in the I Ching predates writing, and was recorded later in it's history. Although there have been numerous translations and interpretations of this ancient text, the truth is that the I Ching is merely a guide to the metaphysical, not a rule book dictating exactly how "supernatural" powers can be harvested.
To understand how the Book of Changes works, one must first understand the balanced relationship between Yin and Yang. Yin embodies the smooth, quiet, and gentle aspects of life, which although on the surface seem to be weaker than the Yang, are persevering through time. Yin is often symbolized by the pervasive power of water. Although the rock (symbolizing the bold strength of Yang) may stand in it's path, it evades the confrontation by simply flowing around the obstacle. Furthermore, in time, the water weathers the stone, thereby overcoming it's strength.
The polar opposite to Yin is the Yang, an energy which is strong, fierce, and bold. Yang is the beacon of light that pierces the sea of darkness in Yin, guiding the path of the ocean vessel through the night. Yang is often symbolized by stone, that which casts off the chaotic elements in the universe, choosing to stand firm in it's organized form.
Together, the Yin and the Yang are the fundamental energies that bring existence and being to the universe from the void. Although forever in opposition, their powers are equal and balanced. The flowing of their energies through the universe creates harmony and peace; where one is more abundant, there lies disruption and discord. The Yin and the Yang are the most basic element of the I Ching, with Yin represented by a broken or dashed line, and Yang shown by a straight line.
However, it is a bit more complex than that. For as with everything in life and the cosmos, the only constant is that things perpetually change. The time frame in which things change are of concern here, for what may take millions of years to transmute will not be of any consequence during a single human lifetime; it will appear to be a constant. In the Book of Changes, these are the normal Yin and Yang lines. However, for those few instances in which something in question changes more rapidly, say in the span of a few days or years, the contrast between forms is more apparent. In this scenario, the Yin and Yang are represented by lines that are changing (as shown by a squiggle at the end of the line). In essence, what is being witnessed here is the Yin changing into the Yang, or vice versa. Exactly how to incorporate this will be discussed later. So there are normal Yin and Yang lines, and changing Yin and Yang lines.
The next step in the I Ching method of divination comes when 3 Yin or Yang lines are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Trigram. With each line having the binary possibility of either Yin or Yang, the 3 stacked lines in a Trigram give us 8 possible results. These are meant to represent the elemental forces of nature (Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Mist). Although each of these elemental forces conjure up definitive thoughts and emotions ( Earth=stone, Water=H2O, etc.), they are actually abstract, relying more on the interpretation of the mystic than on solid, scientifically testable materials. This is where the true magic of the human mind manifests itself, in the images and patterns that arise from the depths of human intuition. This and only this can account for the perpetually unique situations and new scenarios that are created in the timestream. Thus the saying, "No matter where you go, there you are!"
The true key to the magic unleashed in the Book of Changes comes at the third step though. Here 2 trigrams are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Hexagram. Consisting of 2 trigrams (6 total lines of either Yin or Yang), the hexagram is a symbol which is meant to represent the true nature of the dilemma or object in question. Each hexagram can be understood as a combination of its 2 trigrams. Thus, the I Ching hexagram known as The Ancient River is simply the Water trigram over the Earth trigram (Water/Earth). This imagery instills thoughts in the mystic, which can then be applied to the question at hand. Again, using exponential mathematics, the 8 different trigrams which are possible on top and 8 on bottom give us 64 possible combinations, each one with it's individual abstract meaning and associated images.
The final step in this art is to determine which lines are normal and which are changing. Again, a changing line is in the immediate process of becoming it's opposite (Yin into Yang or vice versa). Although changing lines have no immediate impact on the initial reading in the consultation, changing lines do indicate that the situation is in a state of flux, and will soon take a new form. An example of this would be The Ancient River, previously mentioned. From top to bottom, this hexagram consists of a straight line, broken line, straight line (making the Water trigram), and 3 successive straight lines (forming the Earth trigram). Now, imagine the 2nd line from the top is changing (from a broken or Yin line into a straight or Yang line). This would change the top trigram from Water to Earth (now being 3 straight lines), leaving us with the hexagram for Earth/Earth (known as The Great Wide Open). This indicates that the immediate situation is symbolized by The Ancient River, but it will soon be symbolized by The Great Wide Open.
Furthermore, more than one line in the hexagram can be changing. In the same example given above, let us imagine the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines (again, from the top) are changing. The new situation evolving in this case would be symbolized by Earth/Thunder (Repeating Thunder) and the associated images and ideas that are evoked. The extreme example here would be the case in which all of the lines are changing, resulting in the polar opposite hexagram taking place of the old (The Ancient River becomes Fire/Heaven or Shooting Stars). This is why the I Ching is known as the Book of Changes.
The methods used to arrive at the final hexagram vary considerably. Traditionally, Chinese mystics would use yarrow sticks, but toothpicks can be substituted. The method employed is to pile up the sticks, and repeatedly divide them into piles. Then, the sticks in one of the piles are counted, with the number thereof determining whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is a changing line. A fashionable method employed in the West (Europe and America) is to flip 3 coins for each line. The results dictate whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is changing.
A much easier and less time consuming method requires the use of an octagonal (8-sided) dice available in many novelty or hobby shops. Each number is assigned to one of the 8 elemental forces or trigrams (for example: 1=Heaven, 2=Earth, 3=Wind, 4=Thunder, 5=Water, 6=Fire, 7=Mountain, and 8=Mist). Then, the 8 sided die is rolled twice (once for the top trigram, once for the bottom). To determine which of the lines are changing, simply roll the die once for each line, with odd numbers indicating changing and even numbers being normal. Or else, numbers 1-4 could indicate normal, while 5-8 imply changing (either way, it is a 50/50 chance). This quickly gives the resulting hexagram, and its interpretation can go from there.
The rest is up to you and the dao. Never fall prey to the con that the I Ching is an ancient mystical system which has been altered so much that it can never be used appropriately in the modern day. After all, it is the Book of Changes! Although it can never truly be understood by any mortal (and thus limited) mind, it does awaken the intuitive potential from it's long slumber, and thus may seem strange or difficult at first. But with time and practice, anyone can come to use the Book of Changes in their daily lives to solve everyday problems. Let the dao be with you!
anized form.
Together, the Yin and the Yang are the fundamental energies that bring existence and being to the universe from the void. Although forever in opposition, their powers are equal and balanced. The flowing of their energies through the universe creates harmony and peace; where one is more abundant, there lies disruption and discord. The Yin and the Yang are the most basic element of the I Ching, with Yin represented by a broken or dashed line, and Yang shown by a straight line.
However, it is a bit more complex than that. For as with everything in life and the cosmos, the only constant is that things perpetually change. The time frame in which things change are of concern here, for what may take millions of years to transmute will not be of any consequence during a single human lifetime; it will appear to be a constant. In the Book of Changes, these are the normal Yin and Yang lines. However, for those few instances in which something in question changes more rapidly, say in the span of a few days or years, the contrast between forms is more apparent. In this scenario, the Yin and Yang are represented by lines that are changing (as shown by a squiggle at the end of the line). In essence, what is being witnessed here is the Yin changing into the Yang, or vice versa. Exactly how to incorporate this will be discussed later. So there are normal Yin and Yang lines, and changing Yin and Yang lines.
The next step in the I Ching method of divination comes when 3 Yin or Yang lines are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Trigram. With each line having the binary possibility of either Yin or Yang, the 3 stacked lines in a Trigram give us 8 possible results. These are meant to represent the elemental forces of nature (Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Water, Fire, Mountain, and Mist). Although each of these elemental forces conjure up definitive thoughts and emotions (Earth=stone, Water=H2O, etc.), they are actually abstract, relying more on the interpretation of the mystic than on solid, scientifically testable materials. This is where the true magic of the human mind manifests itself, in the images and patterns that arise from the depths of human intuition. This and only this can account for the perpetually unique situations and new scenarios that are created in the timestream. Thus the saying, "No matter where you go, there you are!"
The true key to the magic unleashed in the Book of Changes comes at the third step though. Here 2 trigrams are stacked on top of each other, forming what is known as a Hexagram. Consisting of 2 trigrams (6 total lines of either Yin or Yang), the hexagram is a symbol which is meant to represent the true nature of the dilemma or object in question. Each hexagram can be understood as a combination of its 2 trigrams. Thus, the I Ching hexagram known as The Ancient River is simply the Water trigram over the Earth trigram (Water/Earth). This imagery instills thoughts in the mystic, which can then be applied to the question at hand. Again, using exponential mathematics, the 8 different trigrams which are possible on top and 8 on bottom give us 64 possible combinations, each one with it's individual abstract meaning and associated images.
The final step in this art is to determine which lines are normal and which are changing. Again, a changing line is in the immediate process of becoming it's opposite (Yin into Yang or vice versa). Although changing lines have no immediate impact on the initial reading in the consultation, changing lines do indicate that the situation is in a state of flux, and will soon take a new form. An example of this would be The Ancient River, previously mentioned. From top to bottom, this hexagram consists of a straight line, broken line, straight line (making the Water trigram), and 3 successive straight lines (forming the Earth trigram). Now, imagine the 2nd line from the top is changing (from a broken or Yin line into a straight or Yang line). This would change the top trigram from Water to Earth (now being 3 straight lines), leaving us with the hexagram for Earth/Earth (known as The Great Wide Open). This indicates that the immediate situation is symbolized by The Ancient River, but it will soon be symbolized by The Great Wide Open.
Furthermore, more than one line in the hexagram can be changing. In the same example given above, let us imagine the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines (again, from the top) are changing. The new situation evolving in this case would be symbolized by Earth/Thunder (Repeating Thunder) and the associated images and ideas that are evoked. The extreme example here would be the case in which all of the lines are changing, resulting in the polar opposite hexagram taking place of the old (The Ancient River becomes Fire/Heaven or Shooting Stars). This is why the I Ching is known as the Book of Changes.
The methods used to arrive at the final hexagram vary considerably. Traditionally, Chinese mystics would use yarrow sticks, but toothpicks can be substituted. The method employed is to pile up the sticks, and repeatedly divide them into piles. Then, the sticks in one of the piles are counted, with the number thereof determining whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is a changing line. A fashionable method employed in the West (Europe and America) is to flip 3 coins for each line. The results dictate whether that line is Yin or Yang, and if it is changing.
A much easier and less time consuming method requires the use of an octagonal (8-sided) dice available in many novelty or hobby shops. Each number is assigned to one of the 8 elemental forces or trigrams (for example: 1=Heaven, 2=Earth, 3=Wind, 4=Thunder, 5=Water, 6=Fire, 7=Mountain, and 8=Mist). Then, the 8 sided die is rolled twice (once for the top trigram, once for the bottom). To determine which of the lines are changing, simply roll the die once for each line, with odd numbers indicating changing and even numbers being normal. Or else, numbers 1-4 could indicate normal, while 5-8 imply changing (either way, it is a 50/50 chance). This quickly gives the resulting hexagram, and its interpretation can go from there.
The rest is up to you and the dao. Never fall prey to the con that the I Ching is an ancient mystical system which has been altered so much that it can never be used appropriately in the modern day. After all, it is the Book of Changes! Although it can never truly be understood by any mortal (and thus limited) mind, it does awaken the intuitive potential from it's long slumber, and thus may seem strange or difficult at first. But with time and practice, anyone can come to use the Book of Changes in their daily lives to solve everyday problems. Let the dao be with you!
10 June 2005
Metric Time
Currently, we define the length of a day as 24 hours and this is divided into units called hours, and this into units called minutes, and this into seconds. 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute. This system of time measurement is known as Standard or Imperial (like the miles, gallons, Fahrenheit, inches, etc. systems in use today).
1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
1 day = 1440 minutes
1 day = 86,400 seconds
1 hour = 3600 seconds
Though this system is a longstanding tradition for time measuring, it is unneccesarily cumbersome. Most people would have a hard time figuring out how many seconds there are in 9 hours + 47 minutes without a calculator. How about how many hours exist in 48,291 seconds? Time conversions don't need to be so difficult.
To complicate things further, in some parts of the world, we use the AM/PM system to distinguish between the rough times of the 24 hour clock roughly morning and night. So one has to distinguish between 12:34 AM and PM in America (except on military time).
As long as our numeric system is based on 10 digits (0-9 = 10 single digit numbers), we should convert to "metric time". I use this term assuming no one has already staked a claim on some other form of time measurement and named it metric time. Metric Time is surprisingly easy to learn and use. Each day would consist of 10 hours, each hour with 100 minutes, each minute with 100 seconds.
1 day = 10 hours
1 hour = 100 minutes
1 minute = 100 seconds
1 day = 1,000 minutes
1 day = 100,000 seconds
1 hour = 10,000 seconds
Conversions are now made very simple. In the examples used above, 9 hours + 47 minutes (09.47.00) is easily converted to 94,700 seconds. And 48,291 seconds = 4 hours + 82 minutes + 91 seconds (04.82.91).
To understand exactly how long the new hours, minutes, and seconds are in comparison to how we measure time today, just consult the following table:
1 metric hour = 2.4 standard hours
1 metric minute = 1.44 standard minutes (86.4 standard seconds)
1 metric second = 0.864 standard seconds
In the event that our numeric system should somehow be converted to a Binary one (2 digits, 1 and 0), we could adopt a system of "binary time". The length of a binary second is defined as thenumber of seconds in a day divided by 2 to the 16th power.
86,400 (standard seconds) / 65,536 (2 to the 16th power) = 1.318359375
Thus, a binary second is roughly equal to 1.3 seconds. The binary system would have 65,536 seconds in a day, 256 seconds per minute, and 256 minutes per day.
1 day = 256 binary minutes (65,536 binary seconds)
1 binary minute = 256 binary seconds
Binary N power Equivalent Standard Seconds
day N=0 86,400
minute N=8 33.5 (5.625 minutes)
second N=16 1.318359375 (~1.3)
minisec N=32 0.000020125 (~2X10 to the -5 power)
The table above is used for this equation: time in a day/2 to the Nth power. This system may seem complicated (to everyone except mathematicians), but that is only because our point of view is from the decimal system based on 10 digits (0-9). If we were raised from birth on the binary system, this system of time measurement would seem natural, logical, and orderly.
Currently, we define the length of a day as 24 hours and this is divided into units called hours, and this into units called minutes, and this into seconds. 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute. This system of time measurement is known as Standard or Imperial (like the miles, gallons, Fahrenheit, inches, etc. systems in use today).
1 day = 24 hours
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds
1 day = 1440 minutes
1 day = 86,400 seconds
1 hour = 3600 seconds
Though this system is a longstanding tradition for time measuring, it is unneccesarily cumbersome. Most people would have a hard time figuring out how many seconds there are in 9 hours + 47 minutes without a calculator. How about how many hours exist in 48,291 seconds? Time conversions don't need to be so difficult.
To complicate things further, in some parts of the world, we use the AM/PM system to distinguish between the rough times of the 24 hour clock roughly morning and night. So one has to distinguish between 12:34 AM and PM in America (except on military time).
As long as our numeric system is based on 10 digits (0-9 = 10 single digit numbers), we should convert to "metric time". I use this term assuming no one has already staked a claim on some other form of time measurement and named it metric time. Metric Time is surprisingly easy to learn and use. Each day would consist of 10 hours, each hour with 100 minutes, each minute with 100 seconds.
1 day = 10 hours
1 hour = 100 minutes
1 minute = 100 seconds
1 day = 1,000 minutes
1 day = 100,000 seconds
1 hour = 10,000 seconds
Conversions are now made very simple. In the examples used above, 9 hours + 47 minutes (09.47.00) is easily converted to 94,700 seconds. And 48,291 seconds = 4 hours + 82 minutes + 91 seconds (04.82.91).
To understand exactly how long the new hours, minutes, and seconds are in comparison to how we measure time today, just consult the following table:
1 metric hour = 2.4 standard hours
1 metric minute = 1.44 standard minutes (86.4 standard seconds)
1 metric second = 0.864 standard seconds
In the event that our numeric system should somehow be converted to a Binary one (2 digits, 1 and 0), we could adopt a system of "binary time". The length of a binary second is defined as thenumber of seconds in a day divided by 2 to the 16th power.
86,400 (standard seconds) / 65,536 (2 to the 16th power) = 1.318359375
Thus, a binary second is roughly equal to 1.3 seconds. The binary system would have 65,536 seconds in a day, 256 seconds per minute, and 256 minutes per day.
1 day = 256 binary minutes (65,536 binary seconds)
1 binary minute = 256 binary seconds
Binary N power Equivalent Standard Seconds
day N=0 86,400
minute N=8 33.5 (5.625 minutes)
second N=16 1.318359375 (~1.3)
minisec N=32 0.000020125 (~2X10 to the -5 power)
The table above is used for this equation: time in a day/2 to the Nth power. This system may seem complicated (to everyone except mathematicians), but that is only because our point of view is from the decimal system based on 10 digits (0-9). If we were raised from birth on the binary system, this system of time measurement would seem natural, logical, and orderly.
17 May 2005
Right Wing Conspiracy
The shadows are moving again, but this time the innocent are fighting back. The conspiring conservatives have released a propoganda report attacking foreign politicians for allegedly profiting from illegal oil sales in Iraq's Oil-for-Food program. George Galloway, a British MP (Minister of Parliament), a former member of the Labour Party (until his strong anti-war sentiments conflicted with Blairs policy), came before the US Senate today and really let them have it.
The best weapon we have in our fight against these people is the simple truth. The conspirators were hoping to discredit, disgrace, and burden Mr. Galloway with their baseless attack in the report. He flew to Washington and delivered a forceful defense of his position, very emotionally illuminating the ridiculousness of the baseless insinuations. Not a shred of the accusations are true.
This is the same tactic used for the last 5 years, quite effectively I might add, to attack any adversaries, potential adversaries, journalists, foreign politicians or governments, grassroots organizations, etc. that would stand up to their movement (so called "neo-conservatism", but more like a new line of BS) or shed some light of truth on their lies.
Minnesota senator Norm Coleman, someone who once had a good heart, but decided to feed his ambition and join the right wing conspirators while still mayor of St. Paul, took a good lashing during this proceeding. Coleman needs this nosebleed. He might have a cabinet post soon, helping propagate these liars like Bush and his cronies. Unless we can boot him from office or if he miraculously comes to his senses.
In any case, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. With the suffocating onslaught coming from the right wingers, from attacking decent people to the media censorship, it is very refreshing to see someone stand up so boldly and face their pack of lies head on. Sort of inspiring in fact, and infectious.
The best weapon we have in our fight against these people is the simple truth. The conspirators were hoping to discredit, disgrace, and burden Mr. Galloway with their baseless attack in the report. He flew to Washington and delivered a forceful defense of his position, very emotionally illuminating the ridiculousness of the baseless insinuations. Not a shred of the accusations are true.
This is the same tactic used for the last 5 years, quite effectively I might add, to attack any adversaries, potential adversaries, journalists, foreign politicians or governments, grassroots organizations, etc. that would stand up to their movement (so called "neo-conservatism", but more like a new line of BS) or shed some light of truth on their lies.
Minnesota senator Norm Coleman, someone who once had a good heart, but decided to feed his ambition and join the right wing conspirators while still mayor of St. Paul, took a good lashing during this proceeding. Coleman needs this nosebleed. He might have a cabinet post soon, helping propagate these liars like Bush and his cronies. Unless we can boot him from office or if he miraculously comes to his senses.
In any case, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. With the suffocating onslaught coming from the right wingers, from attacking decent people to the media censorship, it is very refreshing to see someone stand up so boldly and face their pack of lies head on. Sort of inspiring in fact, and infectious.
27 April 2005
Bush the liar
For those who would contend, let it go, the election is over, bite me. The truth shall continue to speak for itself, and continue to be revealed for what it is in the next 4 years.
Little Bush, has destroyed Americas standing in the world. We have gone, collectively as a unified nation from a respected (and after 911, a sympathized) place ,to a disliked one. We have allowed this administration of liars and propogandists to lead us down a path of worldwide scorn.
Look at the facts. Bush and his shortsighted ultraconservative cronies have...
1. Unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation under false pretense. Granted, Hussein was a murderous tyrant, but the reasons stated for invasion were not this. Weapons of Mass Destruction? none found. Sheltering terrorist groups? Not until after the invasion. And now, after all this mess we are left with an unstable Iraq that will likely be ruled by a more oppressive Shia majority, without rights of women, respect of religion, or freedoms of any human kind outside the strictest interpretation of the Koran for generations to come.
2. Abandoned the ABM treaty. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, signed with us and former Soviet Union was the cornerstone of international disarmament momentum. Now that the former USSR is so pathetically weak, all the Bushites have done is prove to the world that the USA cannot be expected to keep its word on treaties that it has signed in good faith. How much more difficult will it become in the future for our nation to negotiate a treaty meant to ensure peace and security if we allow this conservative administration to so blatantly disregard our obligations? Could you simply dissolve your contract with a bank so easily?
3. Opt-out of the Kyoto accords. Global Warming has its critics, granted. But the science is there, and every other western nation in the world has committed to painful sacrifices for their industrial sector to combat what could potentially be a disaster for us all. Except for our country, mainly under the stern opposition of the wealthy industrialists, who, incidentally fund a majority of the political campaigns. Well, look at the next step, now Russia has followed our lead and retracted their obligations as well. Who will be next? Anything Bush says about caring for the environment is not true.
4. Chemical weapons treaty. An international monitoring device to assure other nation states that anyone is not creating, engineering, distributing, selling, or producing chemical weapons. What was one of the first things the Bush conservatives did? abolish our participation in this. quietly, secretly. shhhh, no one seemed to notice. CHEMICAL FUCKING WEAPONS people! How could this go so easily unnoticed in the media?
Little Bush, has destroyed Americas standing in the world. We have gone, collectively as a unified nation from a respected (and after 911, a sympathized) place ,to a disliked one. We have allowed this administration of liars and propogandists to lead us down a path of worldwide scorn.
Look at the facts. Bush and his shortsighted ultraconservative cronies have...
1. Unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation under false pretense. Granted, Hussein was a murderous tyrant, but the reasons stated for invasion were not this. Weapons of Mass Destruction? none found. Sheltering terrorist groups? Not until after the invasion. And now, after all this mess we are left with an unstable Iraq that will likely be ruled by a more oppressive Shia majority, without rights of women, respect of religion, or freedoms of any human kind outside the strictest interpretation of the Koran for generations to come.
2. Abandoned the ABM treaty. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, signed with us and former Soviet Union was the cornerstone of international disarmament momentum. Now that the former USSR is so pathetically weak, all the Bushites have done is prove to the world that the USA cannot be expected to keep its word on treaties that it has signed in good faith. How much more difficult will it become in the future for our nation to negotiate a treaty meant to ensure peace and security if we allow this conservative administration to so blatantly disregard our obligations? Could you simply dissolve your contract with a bank so easily?
3. Opt-out of the Kyoto accords. Global Warming has its critics, granted. But the science is there, and every other western nation in the world has committed to painful sacrifices for their industrial sector to combat what could potentially be a disaster for us all. Except for our country, mainly under the stern opposition of the wealthy industrialists, who, incidentally fund a majority of the political campaigns. Well, look at the next step, now Russia has followed our lead and retracted their obligations as well. Who will be next? Anything Bush says about caring for the environment is not true.
4. Chemical weapons treaty. An international monitoring device to assure other nation states that anyone is not creating, engineering, distributing, selling, or producing chemical weapons. What was one of the first things the Bush conservatives did? abolish our participation in this. quietly, secretly. shhhh, no one seemed to notice. CHEMICAL FUCKING WEAPONS people! How could this go so easily unnoticed in the media?
20 March 2005
bah, what do you expect?
Its been 3 weeks give or take since my last posting. not that i have had a lack of ideas to post, but rather a lack of motivation to print anything. I always try to put something here that can be intellectually stimulating, topically diverse, and well written. anything less would be pure trash. this post has no content other than this message. I will make a serious stab at adding some conversation starters in the near future, but thanks for checking in until then. your comments keep me thinking, so keep posting them under the topics which interest you.
ps. ive also had a recent computer crash, and cannot seem to get my machine back up to its former glory. all good things come with time.
ps. ive also had a recent computer crash, and cannot seem to get my machine back up to its former glory. all good things come with time.
02 March 2005
Secular Government ?
There has been some fiery debate recently in this country about how public religious proclomations can be. In particular, many legal groups have been nudging the judicial branch towards the absolute separation between church and state, setting off a fierce backlash from conservative religious groups. The US Supreme court is currently hearing arguments as to this issue.
I have a hard time understanding how someone could not see the logic behind the seperation between church and state. It is respectful to people of every faith, ensures there will not be a government persecution of certain religious sects, keeps issues of goverance directed by principles that are best for the nation (instead of guided by a certain set of mythological precepts), and best of all, enshrined in the constitution. Of course, it has become commonplace to bend the bill of rights lately, whether its first ammendment free speech and press issues, gun rights, or this. And the simple fact is, right or wrong, a politician will get much more mileage by publicly pronouncing his strong faith (in essence advocating abdicating a secular government for one that publically promotes one particular religion or sect).
Thus, the situation today in many situations.
1. "one nation...under god" in the pledge of allegiance. Originally implanted artificially in the McCarthy era (1950's) as anti-communist propoganda, the words 'under god' have remained imbedded for 50 years. As someone who is non religious, yes, these words offend me. How would most christians feel if the pledge stated, "one nation, there are no gods, indivisible..."? probably just as I do.
2. In god we trust. Same thing. How would any believer in monotheistic religions (mainly christian, jewish, and muslim) like it if the majority of americans were non atheistic and printed "We trust there are no gods" on every coin and note circulated in the country?
3. Religious monuments on political grounds. Highlighted by the 10 Commandments statue in Alabama, this shows how far religious panderers will go if left unchecked.
4. Religion in schools. I put up with many religious elements in my public (and supposedly secular) schooling. For instance, every wednesday, for the first 2 hours of school, you could go to church instead. It was called 'wednesday school'. If a parent chose to not send their kids to church this time, they could go to a wonderfully painful study hall, with no talking. Wohoo. How about everyone thinking I was spoiling the day by not standing for the highly religious convocation in my graduation ceremony. I was adamant, but really had to stand by my convictions against a strong torrent of social pressure to do so. Some teachers had religious cutouts for holidays, others taught religion under the guise of forein language instruction, one way or another, it seeped in and was a daily reminder that the separation between church and state was not really enforced at all.
What this boils down to is persecution, pure and simple. Would the tables be turned, would christians not feel oppressed? Just because a majority believes in something does not mean that they can thrust their views on the minority. To do so would mean that our American democracy is really nothing more than a tyrrany of the majority, and this I cannot accept. The next time some self serving politician decrees, "and god bless America", remember this.
I have a hard time understanding how someone could not see the logic behind the seperation between church and state. It is respectful to people of every faith, ensures there will not be a government persecution of certain religious sects, keeps issues of goverance directed by principles that are best for the nation (instead of guided by a certain set of mythological precepts), and best of all, enshrined in the constitution. Of course, it has become commonplace to bend the bill of rights lately, whether its first ammendment free speech and press issues, gun rights, or this. And the simple fact is, right or wrong, a politician will get much more mileage by publicly pronouncing his strong faith (in essence advocating abdicating a secular government for one that publically promotes one particular religion or sect).
Thus, the situation today in many situations.
1. "one nation...under god" in the pledge of allegiance. Originally implanted artificially in the McCarthy era (1950's) as anti-communist propoganda, the words 'under god' have remained imbedded for 50 years. As someone who is non religious, yes, these words offend me. How would most christians feel if the pledge stated, "one nation, there are no gods, indivisible..."? probably just as I do.
2. In god we trust. Same thing. How would any believer in monotheistic religions (mainly christian, jewish, and muslim) like it if the majority of americans were non atheistic and printed "We trust there are no gods" on every coin and note circulated in the country?
3. Religious monuments on political grounds. Highlighted by the 10 Commandments statue in Alabama, this shows how far religious panderers will go if left unchecked.
4. Religion in schools. I put up with many religious elements in my public (and supposedly secular) schooling. For instance, every wednesday, for the first 2 hours of school, you could go to church instead. It was called 'wednesday school'. If a parent chose to not send their kids to church this time, they could go to a wonderfully painful study hall, with no talking. Wohoo. How about everyone thinking I was spoiling the day by not standing for the highly religious convocation in my graduation ceremony. I was adamant, but really had to stand by my convictions against a strong torrent of social pressure to do so. Some teachers had religious cutouts for holidays, others taught religion under the guise of forein language instruction, one way or another, it seeped in and was a daily reminder that the separation between church and state was not really enforced at all.
What this boils down to is persecution, pure and simple. Would the tables be turned, would christians not feel oppressed? Just because a majority believes in something does not mean that they can thrust their views on the minority. To do so would mean that our American democracy is really nothing more than a tyrrany of the majority, and this I cannot accept. The next time some self serving politician decrees, "and god bless America", remember this.
21 February 2005
There has been avid speculation for centuries as to the existence of alien life. Most of this can easily be dismissed as hoaxes, direct lies, hallucinations, or mental instability, yet it absolutely cannot be definitively proven that life does not exist on other worlds. So this question has been left mainly to the realm of philosophy. Though it still cannot be proven either way, we can examine the evidence and make certain conclusions that can sustain the very strong probability that alien life exists.

Evidence #1: Suggestive Data that Mars once contained Life
The first evidence came from a Martian rock that NASA released evidence for on 06 Aug 1996. This rock, known as the SNC meteorite had been ejected into space by an asteroid impact on Mars about 15 million years ago, and orbited the sun until it impacted with Antarctica about 13,000 years ago. This rock contained fossilized micro-organisms. Not absolute evidence, but decent. Recent data collected by the twin rovers currently operating exceptionally (and well beyond their original scope) from rocks on Mars itself shows mounting evidence that life on Mars was probable in the past.

Evidence #2: Mathematical Probability
We are living in a star system with less than a dozen planets. Now, assuming that life does not exist elsewhere in our solar system (to do this, we must discard the potential on Mars, Titan, Europa, Venus, etc.), that leaves us in say a 1 in 10 chance (rough constant, but for arguments sake, lets say this is a general value). Consider that astronomers currently estimate 200 billion star systems in our Milky Way Galaxy (a good ballpark figure), and a minimum of 200 billion galaxies in the known universe (probably a very conservative estimate), we have 40 sextillion (40 billion billion, or
40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) star systems in the known galaxy. With such radically gargantuan sized numbers like this, how would it be that this is the only planet in the entire universe to have life on it? To say so is ridiculous and blind.

Evidence #3: The Earth was changed by Life itself
In Planetary science terms, our world is composed of the Lithosphere (rock), Hydrosphere (all water), Atmosphere (all gasses), and a 4th part, the Biosphere (all life). Though many naysayers contend the Earth is precisely the perfect distance from the sun, orbital and revolutionary frequencies, contains a single light moon, etc. for life to exist, they perpetually ignore the fact that life itself has changed the conditions on this planet. Look at the atmosphere. On Mars and Venus (our closest neighbors, both 'terrestrial' planets, both similar in size and composition) the atmosphere is mostly CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). Doesn't it seem a bit strange that ours is mostly Nitrogen with strong showing by oxygen?

Easily explained. All life here on Earth is what is known as carbon based, meaning the carbon atom is the basic building block by which other atoms can attach themselves into organic molecules. Start off with an atmosphere of similar composition as Venus or Mars, take the carbon out of the atmosphere, put it into the biosphere (life), release the attached couble oxygen atoms, and VOILA!, you have the atmosphere of modern Earth. Its not magic, its called photosynthesis, and plants do it all the time. In other words, life itself (collectively) has modified its own conditions to those which better serve it as a whole.

Taking these 3 arguments, it becomes well established that life is indeed highly probable outside Earth (ie. alien life). So why haven't they called to say 'hi'? To understand this we really have to examine biology. The extensive fossil collections on Earth detail an extravagant evolutionary history covering hundreds of millions of years. In fact, simple organisms are likely to have been around for billions of years.

From humble roots as simple, single celled bacteria, more complex, multi-cellular forms of life sprang up. With time, these became increasingly complex, giving rise to many diverse kingdoms and families of life (using the taxonomic system developed by the Swedish genius Carolus Linnaeus). Just imagine the vastly different forms of life on our own world (such radical differences as jellyfish, fungi, redwoods, tigers, etc.) and one can start to comprehend the potential that life has to adapt and change.

Given over 2 billion years of evolution, we can only ascertain that our species, Homo Sapien is capable of sending radio waves into the depths of space. Thus, 100 years out of 2,000,000,000 has our planet had life with this ability, not a very extensive legacy. Further, this is on a planet with a decent time span of complex life. It is fairly safe to assume that a strong majority of worlds either have shorter durations of a biosphere or contain only microbes, which diminishes our chance to make contact even more. And to kick it in the ass one step further, the radio transmissions were sending out, even today are so weak compared to the solar wind generated by our own modest sized sun, that it probably wouldn't be received by another civilization within our galaxy should they even be listening.

UFOs? Bah. Outside of the realm of science fiction, there are certain laws in physics that would make an actual journey to even the closest star system (Alpha Centauri) extraordinarily problematic. Limitations such as:
1. a nearly inexhaustible energy source (doesn't exist) to propel the starship
2. life support, systems advanced enough to sustain the occupants over a huge amount of time (possible, but think about how many resources we use each day)
3. shielding materials and technology to weather lethal cosmic energy, space dust (a grain of sand striking a satellite can cripple it), etc.
I am not contending that it is impossible to project humans this distance, but the sheer logistics of it would be a global undertaking that would consume us for centuries. Thus, I cannot have any credence in those who claim to have seen a UFO (much less got an anal probe by its occupants).
What if I am being shortsighted about the potential for technology to overcome these obstacles and allow us to travel the stars? That is possible, and that brings me to my final point. Given that life should exist on billions of billions of planets, should 1 in a thousand give rise to complex life, and 1 in a thousand develop civilizations, and 1 in a million exist at this time, and 1 in a million be in our cosmic neighborhood, we are still left with thousands of civilizations technologically capable of saying hello. So why are we not being contacted or visited by any of them?
My original premise could be in error, and we somehow are the only beings to have ever come into existence in this infinitely large and old universe. Or, perhaps there is a reason why they don’t pop in for afternoon tea. This reason is what I like to call the 'Technological Threshold'. Simply put, this means that anytime a civilization reaches a certain advanced stage in its development, the species that created it will inevitably destroy itself.

This could take many forms. In our case, the following scenarios are all quite possible. First, simple Nuclear Annihilation. The sheer number of nuclear weapons we humans have at our disposal is easily enough eradicate not only our species, but every mid to large sized animal on the planet. The initial blasts would be destructive enough, but the radiation would ultimately be the killer. The Cold War may be over, but nuclear proliferation is increasing rapidly, and the nations in possession of these arms are no closer to peace than at anytime in history. All it takes is one nutball demagogue to end us all.

Second, Environmental Disaster. The ‘use and throw’ away industrial culture is growing massively with each passing decade. Instead of trying to develop more ecologically friendly ways to produce, distribute, and dispose of goods, short-sighted capitalist tycoons and Wall Street investors are more interested in profits. Think of the billions of tons of extremely hazardous toxic waste that industries spew into the air, land, and water every year. This is poison, and it is quite literally killing the biosphere of our planet.

Third, Overpopulation. When I was born, 3 billion humans lived. Today, roughly 30 years later, that number is over 6 billion. The most conservative estimates by the United Nations contend that at least 12 billion people will be alive before we can level off the birth and death rates (translation: zero population gain). That number is not far away either, many undeveloped nations are doubling their numbers every 20 to 40 years. With every new human inhabitant on this world, more land and resources are needed, leading to greater competition, instability, pollution, warfare, etc. We may simply reach the point where the resources and food do not exist for the people alive, then civilization will simply implode.

Fourth, Disease. We have already caused the third worst extinction in our planets long history from invading every habitat imaginable due to our burgeoning population. But we cannot lose sight of the simple wisdom of the chain of life. What occurs when a predatory species is abolished? Its prey explodes. If we continue to kill off everything larger than a shrew, we will find ourselves surrounded by smaller, more adaptive organisms that evolve much more rapidly than our species can possibly contend with. I am speaking in particular about bacteria and viruses. We already see evidence of bacteria becoming resistant or immune to antibiotics (superbugs), and despite a strong effort by the World Health Organization and other bodies, plagues seem to be always just around the corner from getting out of hand. Add to this actual biological warfare programs in effect by numerous covert government programs, and the problem is only compounded.
No matter the cause, whether it is one example from above or one not listed, it becomes pretty apparent that our species is likely to kill itself off within 1000 years. Societal suicide via the Technological Threshold. I do not believe that a species can get past this threshold without destruction as well, it is just in the nature of life to expand, conquer, grow, and worry about consequences only after it is too late. Granted, this is conjecture, but I do not believe it is a pessimistic view, rather a realistic one.
Evidence #1: Suggestive Data that Mars once contained Life
The first evidence came from a Martian rock that NASA released evidence for on 06 Aug 1996. This rock, known as the SNC meteorite had been ejected into space by an asteroid impact on Mars about 15 million years ago, and orbited the sun until it impacted with Antarctica about 13,000 years ago. This rock contained fossilized micro-organisms. Not absolute evidence, but decent. Recent data collected by the twin rovers currently operating exceptionally (and well beyond their original scope) from rocks on Mars itself shows mounting evidence that life on Mars was probable in the past.
Evidence #2: Mathematical Probability
We are living in a star system with less than a dozen planets. Now, assuming that life does not exist elsewhere in our solar system (to do this, we must discard the potential on Mars, Titan, Europa, Venus, etc.), that leaves us in say a 1 in 10 chance (rough constant, but for arguments sake, lets say this is a general value). Consider that astronomers currently estimate 200 billion star systems in our Milky Way Galaxy (a good ballpark figure), and a minimum of 200 billion galaxies in the known universe (probably a very conservative estimate), we have 40 sextillion (40 billion billion, or
40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) star systems in the known galaxy. With such radically gargantuan sized numbers like this, how would it be that this is the only planet in the entire universe to have life on it? To say so is ridiculous and blind.
Evidence #3: The Earth was changed by Life itself
In Planetary science terms, our world is composed of the Lithosphere (rock), Hydrosphere (all water), Atmosphere (all gasses), and a 4th part, the Biosphere (all life). Though many naysayers contend the Earth is precisely the perfect distance from the sun, orbital and revolutionary frequencies, contains a single light moon, etc. for life to exist, they perpetually ignore the fact that life itself has changed the conditions on this planet. Look at the atmosphere. On Mars and Venus (our closest neighbors, both 'terrestrial' planets, both similar in size and composition) the atmosphere is mostly CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). Doesn't it seem a bit strange that ours is mostly Nitrogen with strong showing by oxygen?
Easily explained. All life here on Earth is what is known as carbon based, meaning the carbon atom is the basic building block by which other atoms can attach themselves into organic molecules. Start off with an atmosphere of similar composition as Venus or Mars, take the carbon out of the atmosphere, put it into the biosphere (life), release the attached couble oxygen atoms, and VOILA!, you have the atmosphere of modern Earth. Its not magic, its called photosynthesis, and plants do it all the time. In other words, life itself (collectively) has modified its own conditions to those which better serve it as a whole.
Taking these 3 arguments, it becomes well established that life is indeed highly probable outside Earth (ie. alien life). So why haven't they called to say 'hi'? To understand this we really have to examine biology. The extensive fossil collections on Earth detail an extravagant evolutionary history covering hundreds of millions of years. In fact, simple organisms are likely to have been around for billions of years.
From humble roots as simple, single celled bacteria, more complex, multi-cellular forms of life sprang up. With time, these became increasingly complex, giving rise to many diverse kingdoms and families of life (using the taxonomic system developed by the Swedish genius Carolus Linnaeus). Just imagine the vastly different forms of life on our own world (such radical differences as jellyfish, fungi, redwoods, tigers, etc.) and one can start to comprehend the potential that life has to adapt and change.
Given over 2 billion years of evolution, we can only ascertain that our species, Homo Sapien is capable of sending radio waves into the depths of space. Thus, 100 years out of 2,000,000,000 has our planet had life with this ability, not a very extensive legacy. Further, this is on a planet with a decent time span of complex life. It is fairly safe to assume that a strong majority of worlds either have shorter durations of a biosphere or contain only microbes, which diminishes our chance to make contact even more. And to kick it in the ass one step further, the radio transmissions were sending out, even today are so weak compared to the solar wind generated by our own modest sized sun, that it probably wouldn't be received by another civilization within our galaxy should they even be listening.
UFOs? Bah. Outside of the realm of science fiction, there are certain laws in physics that would make an actual journey to even the closest star system (Alpha Centauri) extraordinarily problematic. Limitations such as:
1. a nearly inexhaustible energy source (doesn't exist) to propel the starship
2. life support, systems advanced enough to sustain the occupants over a huge amount of time (possible, but think about how many resources we use each day)
3. shielding materials and technology to weather lethal cosmic energy, space dust (a grain of sand striking a satellite can cripple it), etc.
I am not contending that it is impossible to project humans this distance, but the sheer logistics of it would be a global undertaking that would consume us for centuries. Thus, I cannot have any credence in those who claim to have seen a UFO (much less got an anal probe by its occupants).
What if I am being shortsighted about the potential for technology to overcome these obstacles and allow us to travel the stars? That is possible, and that brings me to my final point. Given that life should exist on billions of billions of planets, should 1 in a thousand give rise to complex life, and 1 in a thousand develop civilizations, and 1 in a million exist at this time, and 1 in a million be in our cosmic neighborhood, we are still left with thousands of civilizations technologically capable of saying hello. So why are we not being contacted or visited by any of them?
My original premise could be in error, and we somehow are the only beings to have ever come into existence in this infinitely large and old universe. Or, perhaps there is a reason why they don’t pop in for afternoon tea. This reason is what I like to call the 'Technological Threshold'. Simply put, this means that anytime a civilization reaches a certain advanced stage in its development, the species that created it will inevitably destroy itself.
This could take many forms. In our case, the following scenarios are all quite possible. First, simple Nuclear Annihilation. The sheer number of nuclear weapons we humans have at our disposal is easily enough eradicate not only our species, but every mid to large sized animal on the planet. The initial blasts would be destructive enough, but the radiation would ultimately be the killer. The Cold War may be over, but nuclear proliferation is increasing rapidly, and the nations in possession of these arms are no closer to peace than at anytime in history. All it takes is one nutball demagogue to end us all.
Second, Environmental Disaster. The ‘use and throw’ away industrial culture is growing massively with each passing decade. Instead of trying to develop more ecologically friendly ways to produce, distribute, and dispose of goods, short-sighted capitalist tycoons and Wall Street investors are more interested in profits. Think of the billions of tons of extremely hazardous toxic waste that industries spew into the air, land, and water every year. This is poison, and it is quite literally killing the biosphere of our planet.
Third, Overpopulation. When I was born, 3 billion humans lived. Today, roughly 30 years later, that number is over 6 billion. The most conservative estimates by the United Nations contend that at least 12 billion people will be alive before we can level off the birth and death rates (translation: zero population gain). That number is not far away either, many undeveloped nations are doubling their numbers every 20 to 40 years. With every new human inhabitant on this world, more land and resources are needed, leading to greater competition, instability, pollution, warfare, etc. We may simply reach the point where the resources and food do not exist for the people alive, then civilization will simply implode.
Fourth, Disease. We have already caused the third worst extinction in our planets long history from invading every habitat imaginable due to our burgeoning population. But we cannot lose sight of the simple wisdom of the chain of life. What occurs when a predatory species is abolished? Its prey explodes. If we continue to kill off everything larger than a shrew, we will find ourselves surrounded by smaller, more adaptive organisms that evolve much more rapidly than our species can possibly contend with. I am speaking in particular about bacteria and viruses. We already see evidence of bacteria becoming resistant or immune to antibiotics (superbugs), and despite a strong effort by the World Health Organization and other bodies, plagues seem to be always just around the corner from getting out of hand. Add to this actual biological warfare programs in effect by numerous covert government programs, and the problem is only compounded.
No matter the cause, whether it is one example from above or one not listed, it becomes pretty apparent that our species is likely to kill itself off within 1000 years. Societal suicide via the Technological Threshold. I do not believe that a species can get past this threshold without destruction as well, it is just in the nature of life to expand, conquer, grow, and worry about consequences only after it is too late. Granted, this is conjecture, but I do not believe it is a pessimistic view, rather a realistic one.
Hunter S. Thompson dies
Sad news today. One of the most outlandish and original American writers in a century, Hunter S. Thompson was found dead today in him home near Aspen, Colorado. His unique writing style was a challenge to the normalcy, and direct challenge to authority were a gift to all of us.
16 February 2005
Conservatives attack Amtrak...again
The short sighted conservatives are up to their old tricks again. Current target: Amtrak. This old story, all over. The big money corporations that fuel political campaigns (and thus ultimately really pull the strings behind government) continue to spew out their usual rhetoric: more cars, more roads, more sprawl instead of having the slightest bit of foresight and wisdom. Compact cities with an emphasis on trains and public transportation is simply better. Less cars mean more greenspace, more of a sense of community, less pollution, less waste.
The European model is the way to go here. Heavy gas taxes (eek, I said the T word) used to subsidize public transportation systems. Good bus routes to more central hubs for rail. Amtrak is Americas last vestige of a real continental public transportation system, though the conservatives consistently attack it. Hell, what do they care? They have plenty of money to buy more SUVs and Hummers. Its the folks struggling to get by that always get the shaft. More roads do not reduce congestion either, better public transportation designs do.
Further, Greyhound is eliminating many main routes in the countryside. The simple fact is, if you live deep out in farm country USA, you have no choice other than to have a friend with a car take you somewhere now; taxis are too expensive, local short buses (mainly for the elderly) do not travel that far, etc. They say $1bil/year is too much. Well, we pay that every day in Iraq. You can read the story at Yahoo! News
15 February 2005
Freedom of the Press or Responsibility?
Ah, this is a brainteaser. The Bushites are taking a page straight out of Hitlers diary: terror will always suceed unless opposed by equal or greater terror [Mein Kampf]. The Bush regime has systematically punished with full force anyone that even slightly speaks poorly about their performance, direction, leadership, in fact anything that casts them in their true dingy light. The nazis were masters at this game, which helps to explain why they climbed to power with such a small percentage of popular support before they seized power and brought Germany to dictatorship. We all saw dozens of high profile examples of the Bush regime illegitimately attacking its foes in a dirty game last year.
Now, enter Joseph Wilson, a former diplomat who was highly critical of Bush and his starch collared cronies. Mysteriously, the name of his wife, an undercover CIA agent, was leaked to the press shortly after publication of his book. Hmm, coincidence? By the way, his book exposed the fact that there was never any Uranium from africa being sent to Saddam Hussein, and Bush knew this when he claimed it to be true in his push to war in Iraq.
Now heres the brainteaser, I've always believed that the press need to have the right to protect their sources, lest they become mere tools of government propaganda (like Fox News has). But when neocons in the Bush regime or its supporters pull some crap like this, weakening our countries position for a political vendetta, should those sources be named? I dont know how to answer this question, but I do know one thing for sure, the Bush camp knows how to exploit the cracks in the system with a dangerous efficiency. You can read a short article on this at the BBC News.
11 February 2005
Bush betrays Farmers
Not a big surprise to me, but probably causing massive shockwaves in his rural powerbase. Bush is screwing the farming community again, promising to take away a portion of the farm subsidies that keep small towns in the countryside afloat. Isn't it hard enough to make it living in the country the way it is? What can this betrayal possibly do other than hurt the kind folks in rural America? Bet they're sorry they voted him in record numbers now.
Yahoo News
07 February 2005
Moons and Planets
Planets, moons, asteroids. What determines our definition of each? With the discovery of Pluto in 1930, this question began to emerge in the planetary science field of astronomy. As the image displays, Pluto is much smaller than Earths moon, which itself is much larger than Saturns largest moon Titan (current research at the ESA Cassini website. Further, Pluto has a moon of similar proportions, Charon with a equatorial diameter about half of what it has.
Do we define a moon as something that orbits a body that orbits a star? Does this apply to irregularly shaped satellites such as the 2 minor moons of mars (each is only a couple km across). And though we have no record of them currently what about when we find something orbiting a moon? will there be a new classification for those celestial bodies? Does phrasing things in a question answer anything?
Perhaps an enhanced definition is in order here. As anything with sufficient mass will be round, perhaps this series of bodies is best known as Planetoids, with seperate classifications for composition and what it orbits. So as to not close the loop, so to speak, lets include larger and smaller objects in the following sequence (note the names and classifications are rough drafts):
Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies (groupings of galaxies)
Galaxies (huge collections of star systems)
Stars (white dwarves to red giants and all main sequence stars on the HR Diagram)
'brown dwarves' (sort of like a combination between Jupiter and a weak, small star), Jovian (jupiter, saturn, etc., massive gaseous planets),
Terrestrial planets (earth, venus, etc., smaller, hard crusted planets),
Moons (round, terrestrial bodies that orbit anything of a higher order),
Comets (dirty snowballs in essence)
asteroids (whether they orbit a planet, moon, or the sun),
'gravel sized astroids' (something from a grain of sand to a golf ball size)
Dust (anything smaller than a grain of sand)
Gasses (simple molecular or atomic gasses)
"energy" (subatomic particles like x-rays, photons, EM radiation, solar wind, etc.)
So what to do with Quaoar and Sedna (in the picture above). Quaoar (pronounced kway-o-are) has an orbit less circular than the other planets (just as Pluto does). So is it a simple matter of mass that limits it classification? perhaps. Sedna on the other hand, which spends most of its time in the distant 'Oort Cloud' (what a fucking cool name!), has an orbit that is highly elliptical, more closely resembling a comet. Yet, its shape appears to be round, and its composition would suggest we group this as a planet as well. One day the revision will happen in the astronomical science, but it will take the discovery of dozens of more objects like this before it happens.
Terraforming: Venus and Mars
Read an article yesterday in which they spoke of a revolutionary new idea to make the planet Mars habitable for humans and other terrestrial life forms. Not revolutionary at all, in fact, i wrote a paper about his (not for school, just for kicks) when I was 14, and it has probably been dreamed about for generations. In the article, they advocated seeding the red planet with greenhouse gases. duh.
For those with little planetary science background, Venus and Mars have similarly composed atmospheres, 98% CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). Earth once had the same, being a fellow terrestrial planet, and evolving in a similar fashion, but the biosphere (aka 'life') changed ours to better suit itself. the problem with developing complex, multicellular life forms on those planets is that the atmosphere of Venus is too thick and Mars is too thin. In fact, the formers is so thick that the pressures (~100x that of earth at sea level) and temperatures (enough to melt lead), while the latters are so thin and cold, that anything beyond simple, single-celled bacteria would currently be impossible.
Anyone see where im going with this? It doesnt take a rocket scientist (like the pun?) to see a+b=c, so extract a major portion of the venetian atmosphere and send it to the martian atmosphere. Granted, this would be a massive undertaking, far greater than anything mankind has attempted in our collective history, yet by thinning venus and thickening the martian atmospheres, the rest should be easy. Maybe some water creation and other chemical alterations (say with the soil), and boom, the planet is 'terraformed' and ready to be planted with the seed of life.
Of course, the new ecosystem would take on a drastically different path, they would become just like earth, but they may be adaptable enough to be suitable for large complex creatures that currently exist on Earth to support. This process naturally has an enormous time scale, say centuries or millennia, and we homo sapiens might not be around that long considering how rapidly we are destroying this planet. And of course, should life exist on either (even simple bacteria), we have the moral responsibility not to tamper with their worlds.
22 January 2005
World Power Blocs (Future)
The following is a thought experiment.
Definite Power Blocs
Potential Power Blocs
Buffer Zones
Throughout history, the social systems of mankind have consistently favored more complexity, specialization, and strength of numbers. Starting with ancient times, when larger tribes began to displace smaller wandering bands, and not long after that when semi-sedentary people and more densely populated farming cities began to gain a foothold. There is little doubt about the outcome when 1 strong tribal hunter-gatherer comes into competition for resources with 100 weak farmers.
In time, these social systems with their respective religions, languages, governments, education, training, and culture in general continued their march toward expansion, with the city states growing into small then large empires, nation states, and today, the introduction the super-state, places like the USA and old USSR. These are really in effect world power blocs, ultra-organized social systems that compete to control the world’s resources and trade through institutions and strength of might via their respective militaries.
We can follow through on current trends to project who and were these world power blocs will be centered. There are a number that could or could not coalesce depending on events that are too difficult to predict, and some regions that could gravitate towards being dominated by one or another bloc. These are as follows.
North America
The United States is currently the strongest super-state on the planet. The institutions and military might developed and enhanced in the US contribute to a dominant role in controlling trade and policy on the globe. After the fall of the USSR, the USA pushed to expand its influence in areas like the Balkans, central and eastern Europe, central Asia, the middle east, etc. Within a century or 2, there could be political union between most of the major countries on the North American continent: primarily the USA, Canada, and Mexico. A dominant influence will certainly be extended into Caribbean and central America. There is an unlikely possibility that the South American bloc will not develop, extending the hegemony, or influence of the north into northern and possibly western South America as well.
The subcontinent of Europe, after many centuries of division or inter-competition, finally appears to be heading towards unification. Instead of conquest by a dominant ethnic nation, its form appears to be peaceful and diplomatic via the European Union. Monetary unification has already taken hold and the political cannot linger far behind. The EU is expanding eastward, and in time will no doubt encompass nearly the entirety of the subcontinent to the borders of Russia and Turkey.
Despite having lost an astonishing amount of power during the fall of the communist regime of the old soviet republics and subsequent breakup, Russia continues to possess a sense of purpose in world affairs. Even with a low population and birth rate, their technological and scientific prowess will help them harness the nearly inexhaustible resources of the vast Siberian wilderness, fueling what could be centuries of development.
Having successfully resisted being carved up by European, American, and Japanese powers over the last few hundred years, China already has the apparatus in place to ensure it will be a strong power bloc in the future. It maintains tight controls over its own evolution and directs its long term development towards gaining strength exponentially in years to come. As their economic, technological, and military might increases, their influence over world affairs will become more and more apparent.
The Indian subcontinent is in an early stage of development, with rampant poverty, disorganization, and as of yet, a certain lack of national unity that is necessary to become a power broker in world affairs. Despite this, they have a burgeoning population, nuclear weapons, and have invested heavily in technology. Though they will coalesce later than any of the powers listed above, India will undoubtedly become a power bloc within 200 years.
South America
Being led by the rapidly developing nation of Brazil, a power bloc is likely to form in South America. It may encompass the entirety of the continent or most of it, depending on interference and competition from the North American bloc. It has the apparatus in place to do this rather quickly, should the people there be convinced that it is in their best interest to put their differences aside and strive towards that common goal.
Islamic World
With its strict values and simple code of conduct, the Islamic Koran has become a culturally unifying force in every Muslim country. Despite this similar world view and common cultural ties, the countries in northern Africa, the middle-east, and central Asia consistently seem doomed to division. It is definitely possible that they could overcome the infighting and form a common super-state, but will have to double their efforts to resist the economically rooted colonial divisions perpetuated by the planets reliance on oil. There are a lot of forces at play to keep the region divided, so this may or may not evolve into a united power bloc.
Sub-Saharan Africa
The rapid formation of a nation state from a more primordial tribal organization is a colonial legacy that has both strengthened and simultaneously hampered Africa. Though it is a method of organization far superior by means of extending influence than the old systems, it has split ethnic regions along lines that have more to do with resource allocation. In our time, Africa is a place of ceaseless rebellion and warfare, far from a likely candidate to come together for a shared goal. Yet, should a dominant power begin to successfully swallow up neighboring states, we might have a candidate to forge the way towards becoming a power bloc. Such countries could be Nigeria or South Africa. Yet, this remains a remote possibility in the next 300 years, and the continent is likely to remain a place split between empires.
Indonesia and Australia
This region is the most unlikely candidate for cohesion into a world power bloc. Australia and New Zealand have the social systems, technology, and military might that could extend influence, but with such inconsequential birth rates, their influence will continue to decline in the coming decades. Indonesia is quite the opposite, with a swelling population with none of the social mechanisms in place to effectively extend its influence beyond its own waters. Should there be some type of synthesis between the two, there is an outside chance that this region could become a world power bloc, even encompassing a good parcel of south-east Asia as well.
Between each power bloc is territory that could end up being dominated by one or the other, depending on unfolding events. These are briefly described below.
Central Asia
The old soviet republics around Kazakhstan and the territory extending down to Pakistan could well prove to be a flashpoint for the super-states in the future. Previously under the Soviet umbrella, this region will certainly be vied for by the new Russian bloc, eager to reestablish its hegemony, a newly confident China, and India. If an Islamic empire forms, that will make 4 power brokers competing for this region.
Southeast Asia
This is most likely area of dispute between China and India. With the exception of Vietnam, this region is more culturally similar to India, and is thus more likely to end up part of their sphere of influence. Yet, with an ambitious China maturing earlier, they could certainly preempt the Indian overtures, and swallow up the region as well. Should the unlikely Indonesian/Australian power bloc grow past an embryonic state, they could also attempt to gain control (less they become an area to compete for themselves).
Saharan Desert
With scarce resources and very sparse population, there is little interest in the Sahara save potential for future agriculture or development. Unless both the Islamic and African power blocs consolidate their blocs, the Sahara will have little impact on world affairs.
11 January 2005
Olympus Camedia C-770
My digital camera finally arrived! My last camera was a 20 year old Minolta Freedom III. I paid ~$170 for it way back. My new camera is probably the best toy Ive had since my laptop: 4.0 megapixels, 10x optical zoom, ergonomic, etc. $400 with a few accessories. This will certainly help in posting shit on this blog in the future (along with the free image webhosting at http://www.imagevenue.com/
10 January 2005
07 January 2005
European Union

Current British Interference
How Great Britain is sabotaging the EU. The last time the British Isles were subject to foreign domination was the Norman era a millennium ago. It has since been its primary goal in foreign policy to keep the European subcontinent divided. Everytime a major power would rise, England would weave alliances against it to protect its own sovereignty. Look at it, England was opposed to the communist Soviet Union, before that Hitler and the Kaisers Germany, before that Napoleonic France, etc.
The peaceful coming together of European nations presents a new challenge to British diplomacy: how to hamstring the EU. The European Union is the culmination of the 50 years efforts. Its dream is the creation of a superstate in a contiguous region of Europe. It has wisely been introduced in a slow, steady, series of phases:
Phase I was the monetary unification: the Euro
Phase II is expansion and introduction of real legislative power
Phase III will be an empowering of the executive branch of the EU
We are currently in phase II. Great Britain, especially the ultra-conservatives have been violently opposed to membership in the EU. They reason correctly that it will lead in time to a loss of sovereignty. Their shortsightedness however keeps them from seeing the alternative: a weak and divided Europe in a global market of increasingly competitive and aggressive capitalism. As the European powers used to divide and conquer, dominating trade routes, and fueling empire, so could China, India, and a host of other superstates that are currently in embryonic form in the third world. The UK conservatives are ultimately shooting their countries long
term interests out.
The EU need walk cautiosly here. If Britain cannot be seduced to overcome its inhibitions on full membership, it should be left out entirely. As well, the temptation to even entertain the idea of a Turkish membership need be quashed right here and now. Turkey is an exploding Islamic hotbed. It is delusional to think that their integration will lead to anything but instability and exploitation, possibly even dissolution of the EU body. Would Morocco or Iraq be next?
Bring in all of the former Yugoslav republics, Albania, and the Ukraine. Leave an open door for Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland. Allow potential for Belarus and should they opt out, the UK at some point. But move on. Delay equals death.

Instead of being a superstate of nations, the borders of the provinces in the EU need to be redefined. Anyone who has travelled Europe understands clearly how diverse the different regions, even within each country are. Yet there are concise patterns of language, religion, and culture in general. Subdivide each nation into its component regions and make these the basis for representation in the greater legislative body of government. For instance: on the Iberian peninsula we would have Portugal, Catalonia, the Basque counry, Galicia, Andalucia, and Castilla. Each region could have certain powers within its territory, and elect 1 or 2 representatives to the national assembly. In all, there would likely be 100 or so regions in the realm of the EU.
Should Great Britain eventually grow up and join the future, they would likely have 3 regions: Wales, Scotland, and England. Until that day, let them either ride the bus or get off.

Geopolitical model for the EU
This will be organized in regions consisting of a number of provinces. Each region and province therein should be in similar size and population as realistically possible to best attain a balance. Each of these provinces can further be subdivided into counties, districts, localities, etc. Keep in mind each of these is merely a suggestion based on shared language, custom, religion, and culture, and should by no means be considered to be a final map.
Rationale Behind Unification
You have to look at this from a global perspective. A unified subcontinent will put Europe in an advantageous competitive position in the world for the next 250 years. China and India are currently weak and poor, but this won’t last. Within a century, they will be exponentially more powerful and deem a serious challenge to control the world’s resources. Russia in an omnipresent power, albeit seriously weakened since the abolishment of communism. North America is slowly unifying under the weight of the United States. South America is heading in the same direction. And there is always the remote possibility that the Islamic world or sub-saharan Africa may achieve a state of cooperation and cohesion as well.
On the Eastern border of the EU
There may need to be some hard negotiations with Russia. There are segments shown on my map that may gravitate towards Russia rather than the EU, in particular Belarus and Eastern and southern Ukraine. There may be parts of Russia that wish to join the EU, for instance the Uralic speaking Murmansk peninsula and St. Petersburg. Russian Kaliningrad (historically East Prussia of Germany) is another potential thorn, for having it remain part of Russia is completely unrealistic. Should St. Petersburg and the surrounding regions end up as part of Russia, a good exchange would be to guarantee free access of the Baltic Sea shipping lanes in exchange for free access via land from Finland to Estonia. It must be stressed that though Russia is too large and cumbersome to be integrated into the EU, shared cultural beliefs clearly make them agreeable allies, so relations must remain positive in the long run. They would present an effective partner to the EU in centuries to come.
Regional Freedom vs National Unity
To unify a land so diverse as the European subcontinent, a certain amount of watering down of national and regional tendencies is a must. A common culture will emerge, and though remain different, will provide a degree of uniformity necessary to keep the bonds from breaking. Yet, this should a very slow and gradual process. Safeguards need be in place to protect provincial and regional cultures. This is why the regional divisions should reflect specific cultural regions, like the Basques for instance. There must be a constitutional guarantee of a balance of power between the EU governing body, each Province, and each Region. As well, within each region, the counties, districts, wards, etc. should each maintain a certain degree of power in their own affairs.
A New European Capital
To celebrate the commencement of such a historic undertaking as the peaceful unification of this magnitude, and to foster an atmosphere of shared direction and responsibility, a new capital should be built. To pick an existing city would encourage too great a degree of infighting that could linger for generations. To celebrate the grandeur and ambition of the EU, this new capital should be constructed in the finest jewel of Europe, the Alps. The capital should be a different zone, with strict controls to ensure no one ethnic group dominates it. Populations from each province and region should be guaranteed the ability to live there, in restricted numbers. In fact, the city should have a limited maximum population, say one million. Being designed from scratch, the EU capital has potential to be the most beautiful, enjoyable, and ergonomic capital in the world, with grand scale architecture, generous green space, flawless public transportation, etc. Constructing it in the Alps will clearly present nightmares in logistics and cost, yet it will be worth the effort, and be remembered for a millennia.
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